Resolution: Done
0.2.0 [R3], 0.1.5 (patch release)
While trying to provision a new Database Instance for Crunchy Bridge, the error message "Invalid request: Over cluster limit for assigned team. " is encountered even when no Database instances exist for the provider account, i.e all the previously created Database Instances having been removed through the ISV dashboard.
Steps to reproduce:
Prerequisite - To replicate this particular scenario, first we need to reach the Cluster limit for Crunchy Bridge
Basic flow: Import Crunchy Bridge Provider Account -> Create Database Instances till limit is reached -> Log on to Crunchy ISV dashboard, remove all the instances -> Import a new Crunchy Bridge Provider Account (Account resource will get created but DB Instance retrieval will fail as there are no DB Instances present) -> Try to create a new DB Instance -> Still see the Over limit error
Detailed Steps:
- Navigate to Database Access page -> Configuration -> Import Provider Account
- Import a Crunchy Bridge Provider Account -> Create Database Instances till limit is reached
Reference GIF:
- Login to Crunchy Bridge ISV Dashboard and remove all the existing Database Instances
- Previously imported Provider Account will not get synced with ISV immediately. So Import a new Crunchy Bridge Provider Account (Account resource will get created but DB Instance retrieval will fail as there are no DB Instances present)
The newly imported Provider Account will also not show-up on the Database Access screen due to no DB instances being present - Navigate to Developer Perspective -> Add Crunchy Bridge DB Instance Screen -> Select the newly imported Provider Account
- Click on Create New Database Instance -> Enter the name for the DB Instance to be created -> Click on Create
Same Over limit error message is received
Reference GIF:
REST API Calls for reference: DBAAS-601-REST
- is incorporated by
DBAAS-623 Patch 0.1.5 Defect Verification
- Resolved