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  1. Red Hat build of Apache Camel for Spring Boot
  2. CSB-6096

camel-xj-starter and camel-saxon-starter break Camel on Spring Boot on Tomcat 10


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Not a Bug
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • CSB-4.4.x
    • None
    • False
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    • False
    • Important
    • Very Likely
    • 0

      A trivial `camel-rest` application, based on CSB 4.4, reduced from a much more complex, customer application, fails to start when deployed on Tomcat 10, when some specific dependencies are included in the build. The application works fine using `mvn spring-boot:run` with or without the dependencies.

      Both `camel-xj-starter` and `camel-saxon-starter` have the same sub-dependencies. Installing these sub-dependencies without the 'starter' component does not lead to a problem. Presumably, there is some Spring Boot automation in the starter that doesn't work on Tomcat.


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Install and start Tomcat 10

      2. Unpack and build the test case `sampleapp_redhat_minimal.zip`. Ensure that neither dependency `camel-xj-sample` or `camel-saxon-starter` is enabled in `pom.xml`. You'll need to `mvn install` the `parent/` directory, which contains a parent POM, before building the main application.

      3. Copy the built `sampleapp-1.0.0.war` to the `webapps/` directory in Tomcat

      4. `tail` the `catalina.out` file, to see the progress of the application installation. You should see two Camel routes starting.

      5. (Optional) Test that the application works, by making a POST request on it. You should see a 'FOOO!' message in `catalina.out`.

      $ curl --insecure --request POST --url http://localhost:8080/sampleapp-1.0.0/api/RestSslRequest --header 'accept: application/xml' --header 'content-type: application/xml' --data '<order><id>10<<order><id>10</id><item>Blah blah</item></order>


      6. Edit `pom.xml` to enable either of `camel-xj-starter` or `camel-saxon-starter`.

      7. Rebuild and redeploy. Note that the application does not initialize, with many exceptions.


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              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-kboone Kevin Boone (Inactive)
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