create a new kubeconfig with current context the new cluster
`oc login --username xxxx --password xxxxx --kubeconfig /tmp/kubeconfig.yml`
run pipeline with this new kubeconfig and the selector properly filled (raw url and name of the context)
ensure that MAVEN_EXTRA contains `-Dgroups=!internal` in order to skip dballocator based tests
ensure that the param RUN is only "Openshift"
ensure that MVN_EXTRA_SETTINGS_PROFILE param contains only public repo `-Drepo.maven-central -Drepo.redhat-ea -Drepo.redhat-ga -Drepo.atlassian-public -Drepo.jboss-qa-releases`
ensure that MRRC_URL parameter is empty[version]/job/runner
hint: you can use the latest OCP job execution changing just the 3 params and removing MRRC_URL parameter
delete the cluster once tests finished with the destroy-rosa job