Although unmarshaling the surrogate pair characters works as expected, marshaling the surrogate pair characters with camel-jackson results with Garbled characters.
It works fine with other json libraries.(ex. Gson)
sample route
- route: id: route-4081 from: uri: file:data/input steps: - log: ${body} - unmarshal: json: library: Jackson - log: ${body[result][0]['name']} - marshal: json: library: Jackson prettyPrint: true - log: ${body}
Test data file
{ "result": [ { "name": "システム𩸽" } ] }
2024-07-05 11:25:17.439 INFO 63035 --- [le://data/input] code.yaml:9 : { "result": [ { "name": "システム𩸽" } ] } 2024-07-05 11:25:17.512 INFO 63035 --- [le://data/input] code.yaml:13 : システム𩸽 2024-07-05 11:25:17.529 INFO 63035 --- [le://data/input] code.yaml:18 : { "result" : [ { "name" : "システム\uD867\uDE3D" } ] }
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