Resolution: Done
As soon as branches are created and updated with the latest version, update the interop repo https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/PIT/scenarios/csb_rhel/-/tree/main/csb_rhel/ansible/vars with latest file and branch (ex. https://gitlab.cee.redhat.com/PIT/scenarios/csb_rhel/-/blob/main/csb_rhel/ansible/vars/csb_v3.18.yml)
This task does not have job. It is triggered by interop team. It is represented by two projects:
1 - csb_rhel - automation triggering our tests,
2 - tnb-tests - containing testsuite. Automation points to the main branch. We use org.jboss.fuse.tnb.tests.universal:eip module and ContentBasedRouterITCase#testSimpleContentBasedRouting test.
Activity needed - check emails for new testing rounds. It is marked with MPTS PoR PQE Reviewer Notification - Name: [ rhel 8.8 primary ].
In MPTS portal check if CSB is aligned to the latest version and check verified checkbox. Then save it.