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  1. Red Hat build of Apache Camel for Spring Boot
  2. CSB-1088

List of stories in order to support camel-jbang


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • csb-3.20
    • None
    • None
    • Support camel-jbang
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • To Do
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
    • Very Likely
    • 0

      camel-jbang is the facade with little use of jbang (we use Picolli as CLI library) and then have a set of picolli commands, eg so you can do camel ps, camel get, camel run) - all of that is essentially "just" camel and picolli. So to productized that requires to productize picolli. The Camel bits you already have.

      However to run camel from CLI in terminals that is JBang.

      And the "brain" for running camel, exporting, and working with "running camels via the camel-cli-connector" is all done in another JAR named camel-kamelet-main (it started as kamelet experiment and hence why this name)

              Unassigned Unassigned
              fmariani@redhat.com Federico Mariani
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
