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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-998

Create smoke suite as an entry quality gate for QE testing cycle


    • 3

      To prevent QE team from being blocked (tests stabilization, development, nightly test results...) by non working nightly builds, we should create a very simple smoke suite, that verifies:

      • CRW can be installed in default configuration
      • Workspace can be started (preferably by devfile from devfile-registry)

      How this will work?

      • Nightly build jobs will still be building and pushing images as needed (as changes are merged to master branch) and they will still be tagged by "latest", "2.2" (a.k.a. latest version in development), ...
      • The newly created smoke suite will run periodicaly (nightly or few times a day)
        • The suite passes - all the current images are tagged by some tag (for example "RC")
        • The suite fails - nothing gets tagged and QE team continue working with the last set of "stable" images (those currently tagged by "RC", or whatever tag we choose)
      • We can leave some nightly/periodic QE suites running on latest images, but most of them would use the "RC" tagged ones - This will require change in jobs to use the "RC" tagged images instead of "2.2" or "latest".

      cc. nickboldt dnochevn iokhrime

              iokhrime Ihor Okhrimenko (Inactive)
              rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
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              4 Start watching this issue
