Resolution: Done
In the Jenkinsfile for crwctl building for use with quay images, we transform the csv like this::
# change files FILES="deploy/operator.yaml deploy/operator-local.yaml controller-manifests/v''' + CRW_VERSION + '''/codeready-workspaces.csv.yaml" for d in ${FILES}; do sed -i ${d} -r -e "s#registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/#quay.io/crw/#g"; done # push to master-quay branch git commit -s -m "[update] Push latest in master to master-quay branch" ${FILES}
But the quay version of the operator image is currently still called /crw/operator-rhel8, not crw-2-rhel8-operator.
So we should either fix the sed, or rename the image in quay.