
      Even the fact that ./crwctl/bin must be in the $PATH the installation script is not able to manage probably hardcoded paths to its resources/templates. When the installation is executed out of the crwctl folder, then it fails. It should process correctly and use resources from the path which is on the correct folder relatively from the crwctl binary.

      ~ root(ocp:default) $ crwctl server:start --installer=operator -n codeready --self-signed-cert
      Verify Kubernetes API...OK (it's OpenShift)
      Looking for an already existing CodeReady Workspaces instance
      Verify if CodeReady Workspaces is deployed into namespace "codeready"...it is not
      Openshift preflight checklist
      Verify if oc is installed...done.
      Verify if openshift is running...done.
      Check OpenShift version: Found v3.11.170.
      Check Kubernetes version: Found v1.11.0+d4cacc0.
      CodeReady Workspaces logs will be available in '/tmp/crwctl-logs/1589878992452'
      tart following logs
      Start following Operator logs...done
      Start following CodeReady Workspaces logs...done
      Start following Postgres logs...done
      Start following Keycloak logs...done
      Start following Plugin registry logs...done
      Start following Devfile registry logs...done
      Start following events
      Start following namespace events...done
      Warning: CodeReady Workspaces can only be deployed in Multi-User mode.
      Running the CodeReady Workspaces operator
      Copying operator resources
      → ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'templates/codeready-workspaces-operator/'
      Create Namespace (codeready)
      Create ServiceAccount codeready-operator in namespace codeready
      Create Role codeready-operator in namespace codeready
      Create ClusterRole codeready-operator
      Create RoleBinding codeready-operator in namespace codeready
      Create ClusterRoleBinding codeready-operator
      Create CRD checlusters.org.eclipse.che
      Waiting 5 seconds for the new Kubernetes resources to get flushed
      Create deployment codeready-operator in namespace codeready
      Create CodeReady Workspaces cluster codeready-workspaces in namespace codeready
      * › Error: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'templates/codeready-workspaces-operator/'
      › Installation failed, check logs in '/tmp/crwctl-logs/1589878992452'*

            abazko Anatolii Bazko
            rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
