Resolution: Done
In CRW-340, the EAP team has requested that we simply reuse their upstream EAP7.3.1 RHEL7 image ...
... instead of manhandling their EAP RHEL8 image into our mutant variation [0], which includes:
- report.py and stack-analysis.sh (referred to in 4 devfiles)
- installation of python in an otherwise java+maven container runtime
- switching from JDK 11 to JDK 8 (because the RHEL8 image has JDK 11, and we need 8 for Fuse)
[0] http://pkgs.devel.redhat.com/cgit/containers/codeready-workspaces-stacks-java/tree/?h=crw-2.2-rhel-8
The 4 devfiles that refer to stack analysis are:
- 00_java-eap-maven/devfile.yaml
- 01_java-eap-thorntail/devfile.yaml
- 02_java-jboss-fuse/devfile.yaml
- 02_java-maven/devfile.yaml
- 03_spring-boot-http-booster/devfile.yaml
This stack analysis stuff is also used in the plugin-java11 [1] container, which is out special Quarkus/Gradle/JDK11 image and which could also include the stack analysis stuff if we want to add python in there.
Or maybe we could invoke these scripts from the python stack image [2] so we don't need to keep adding python to our java/maven stacks?
- is blocked by
CRW-943 Does sidecar for dependency analytics require theia endpoint as base image?
- Closed