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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-7846

[RN] Launching Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") with selected default extensions installed


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    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = Launching Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") with selected default extensions installed

      With this release, you can install default Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") extensions using the combinations of the devfile `postStart` event together with automount ConfigMap:

      [source, code]
        - id: add-default-extensions
            # put your tooling container name here
            component: runtime
            commandLine: |
              # download regular binary
              curl open-vsx.org/api/atlassian/atlascode/3.0.10/file/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix --location -o /tmp/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix
              curl open-vsx.org/api/snowflake/snowflake-vsc/1.9.1/file/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix --location -o /tmp/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix

          - add-default-extensions

      = Launching Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") with selected default extensions installed With this release, you can install default Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") extensions using the combinations of the devfile `postStart` event together with automount ConfigMap: [source, code] ----   - id: add-default-extensions     exec:       # put your tooling container name here       component: runtime       commandLine: |         # download regular binary         curl open-vsx.org/api/atlassian/atlascode/3.0.10/file/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix --location -o /tmp/atlassian.atlascode-3.0.10.vsix         curl open-vsx.org/api/snowflake/snowflake-vsc/1.9.1/file/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix --location -o /tmp/snowflake.snowflake-vsc-1.9.1.vsix events:   postStart:     - add-default-extensions ----
    • Enhancement
    • Done

            jvrbkova@redhat.com Jana Vrbkova
            jvrbkova@redhat.com Jana Vrbkova
            Valerii Svydenko Valerii Svydenko
            Jana Vrbkova Jana Vrbkova
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
