Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
OpenShift DevSpace generated UserWorkspaces supposed to integrate seamlessly with SCM (Source Control Manager – eg. GitHub) used locally within an Enterprise. In fact, right pattern to be to propagate DevSpace configured SCM entry across all User Workspaces and allow each User/Developer to configure their own secret in accessing Enterprise SCM.. Based on CR (Custom Resource) Definition available for DevSpace today, though there is something called gitServices available, It demands ‘Secret’ as mandatory attribute which appear to propagate common secret across all DevSpace users’ which can’t be honored from a security standard point of view..
Apart from that, when a UserWorkspace getting generated, when you select Source Control option part of VS Code editor option, It is demanding ‘Git’ plugin for residing platform (default to Windows). So, DevSpace Operator may need to be packaged to include this plugin ..
Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here):
As Larger enterprises have Developers’ across the Globe, We are planning to introduce Uniform development model that can be adopted by all. This requires, seamless SCM integration apart from code editor.
How would the customer like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)
The details part of Description, try to adopt the best approach possible
5. Yes we can support testing..But we require it immediate.