Resolution: Done
Release Notes
Known Issue
Description of problem:
- When I try to run podman file from the internal registry - I constantly get `Error: timeout starting container`
- To reproduce the problem we can use our airgap cluster: https://devspaces.apps.ds-airgap-v15.crw-qe.com/
- For saving time we can create the script in the created DevSpace:
#!/bin/bash # Enable Kubedock export KUBEDOCK_ENABLED=true echo "KUBEDOCK_ENABLED=$KUBEDOCK_ENABLED" # Run entrypoint script /entrypoint.sh # Navigate to the project source directory cd "$PROJECT_SOURCE" # Create Dockerfile cat <<EOF > Dockerfile.$(uname -m) FROM scratch COPY hello / CMD ["/hello"] EOF echo "Dockerfile created" # Create hello.go file cat <<EOF > hello.go package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Println("hello world") } EOF echo "Go source file created" # Compile hello.go go build hello.go if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Go file compiled successfully" else echo "Error compiling Go file" exit 1 fi # Export necessary environment variables export ARCH=$(uname -m) export DATE=$(date +"%m%d%y") export USER=$(oc whoami) export TKN=$(oc whoami -t) export REG="image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000" export PROJECT=$(oc project -q) export IMG="${REG}/${PROJECT}/hello:${DATE}" # Log in to Podman podman login --tls-verify=false --username "${USER}" --password "${TKN}" "${REG}" # Build the image using Podman podman build -t "${IMG}" -f Dockerfile."${ARCH}" # Push the image to the registry podman push --tls-verify=false "${IMG}"
- On online cluster running the Image works without problem
- On airgap - timeout error