Resolution: Done
Release Notes
Bug Fix
In Progress
Description of problem:
Using Dev Spaces 3.14 when trying to load a GIT URL if it contains a space, getting the below mentioned error:
Error: Unsupported factory location: "<Azure DevOps Repo Link>"
Before upgrading to 3.14 was working with a space in the URL
Replace the space with `+`
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Devspaces 3.14
Steps to Reproduce
# <steps>
- Create a Git repo with white spaces in its name on Azure Devops.
- From Devsapces try to create a new workspace from this git repo
- You will see an error.
Actual results:
Workspace fails with error:
Error: Unsupported factory location: "<Azure DevOps Repo Link>"
Expected results:
The workspace should be created.
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
- relates to
CRW-7135 [RN] AzureDevops Git repositories with white spaces in the URL
- Closed
- links to