Resolution: Done
3.13.0.GA, 3.14.0.GA
Release Notes
Bug Fix
Workaround Exists
Description of problem:
After having configured a container registry in User Dashboard, new workspaces are not being automatically logged into the configured container registries. I tried with quay.io and docker.io and neither worked.
This is currently reproducible in the 3.14 builds of DevSpaces.
Upstream Che Issue: https://github.com/eclipse-che/che/issues/22987
Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):
Steps to Reproduce
- Configure a container registry from the User Dashboard's User Preferences (click on the gravatar in the top right of the dashboard -> user preferences -> add a container registry with your credentials.
- Start a workspace
- Open a terminal and run podman login --get-login <container-registry>. For example: podman login --get-login quay.io
- You'll see Error: not logged into <container-registry>. E.g. Error: not logged into quay.io
Actual results:
'Error: not logged into quay.io' }} {{when running 'podman login --get-login <container-registry>'
Expected results:
We should already be logged into the configured container registries.
For example, if quay.io is configured as a container registry, the output of podman login --get-login quay.io should be your quay.io username.
Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):
Acceptance criteria:
Definition of Done:
Build Details:
Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):
- is duplicated by
CRW-6808 [RN] Automatic 'podman login' with configured container registry not working
- Closed
- links to