Resolution: Done
CEE Enablement
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
Topics requested by the CEE team
- Distributed components (re-arch since 1.x) => Che devex team
- Startup sequence (how workspace start) => Che controller team
- Communications (i.e. jwtproxy, websockets) => Che platform team
How long does one of the trainings usually take? 1h, 1day, 3 days?
Depending on the topic, the bulk of the material can probably be provided in a few hours. We have some excellent examples in the CRW 1.x training videos at [1] (<=== Please watch a few minutes from a few videos. They are excellent examples) and some Odo examples at [2]. Many of these are about an hour.
Is the trainer expected to prepare and distribute some training specific support like slides, documentation or exercises?
No. Only information sharing is required. If the trainer chooses to provide more, it will be welcomed.
Are the training face to face or done via bluejeans?
The trainer should provide a video. That is the only requirement. If we want to provide the video via BlueJeans (with Q&A afterwards), that is better yet. But even a video taken without the audience present is acceptable.
Is there a training platform that the trainer can use? For example OpenShift clusters for students to deploy and test CRW
I can help arrange this if needed, but we should work on a just-on-time basis. (I will need to hand-hold the environment, so let's set it up and use it only for the length it is needed.) Due to the small number of CRW support engineers (distributed globally), it is not practical to host hands-on exercises for the group.
Is the trainer going to do one unique session or is he going to repeat the same training for different classes?
Once is enough. The video format allows us to persist the training for future viewing.
How many people usually attend the training?
Very few people will actually attend the training (take part in BlueJeans, if we go that way). Perhaps only me, or a few of us. The video will be viewed, we will make a text index so we know that we discuss x.509 certificates at 29 minutes into the video, JWT at 45 minutes, and so on. In this way, the training material is useful on demand. When Support fields a case that deals with some unfamiliar topic, the support engineer then goes to the training library to get up to speed. (BTW, not all support teams work this way. SBRs (support groups specializing in some technology) that have a sufficient volume of tickets can maintain proficiency without as much 'refresher' material. But SBR CRW gets a low volume of tickets, so not all of us stay proficient with the product. That's why training that can be used 'on demand' is vital.)
How the topics have been chosen? Asking because some aspects that have been introduced or significantly updated with 2.0 like server installation/configuration, devfiles, workspaces security and theia do not appear here.
The listed topics have been chosen because they seem to be 'gaps' in our current knowledge set that are highlighted by support cases. (Saying that a different way, our support cases have shown us that we lack knowledge in these specific areas.) We will be delighted to have suggestions for other materials (we may not be aware of where we are ignorant). I would only note that we have already had a devfile session, we consider that adequate. (So we probably don't need another). But anything else that our SMEs consider important is knowledge we will gladly study and put to use as needed.
- is incorporated by
CRW-974 CRW 2.5 overall epic
- Closed