= Configure trusted extensions for Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS")
With this release, you can specify which extensions are trusted and can access authentication tokens using the dedicated `VSCODE_TRUSTED_EXTENSIONS` environment variable defined in the devfile or ConfigMap:
= Configure trusted extensions for Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS")
With this release, you can specify which extensions are trusted and can access authentication tokens using the dedicated `VSCODE_TRUSTED_EXTENSIONS` environment variable defined in the devfile or ConfigMap:
value: "<publisher1>.<extension1>,<publisher2>.<extension2>"
Find more details about the enhancement in the link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.13/html/administration_guide/managing-ide-extensions#trusted-extensions-for-microsoft-visual-studio-code [official documentation].