Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-6256

"Restart Workspace from Local Devfile" fails with "You can only have 1 running workspace at a time."


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = "Restart Workspace from Local Devfile" fails with "You can only have 1 running workspace at a time."

      Before this release, there was a sporadic defect affecting workspace startup after using the "Restart Workspace from local Devfile" functionality from che-code. The following error message would appear: "You can only have 1 running workspace at a time". With this release, the issue is fixed.
      = "Restart Workspace from Local Devfile" fails with "You can only have 1 running workspace at a time." Before this release, there was a sporadic defect affecting workspace startup after using the "Restart Workspace from local Devfile" functionality from che-code. The following error message would appear: "You can only have 1 running workspace at a time". With this release, the issue is fixed.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Description of problem:


      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      Steps to Reproduce

       # <steps>


      Actual results:

      Expected results:

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):

      Acceptance criteria: 


      Definition of Done:

      Build Details:

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):



            jvrbkova@redhat.com Jana Vrbkova
            jvrbkova@redhat.com Jana Vrbkova
            Dmytro Nochevnov Dmytro Nochevnov
            Jana Vrbkova Jana Vrbkova
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
