= Allow overriding the editor's image through the URL parameter
With this release, you can override the editor's image using a dedicated URL parameter when starting a Cloud Development Environment. Here are some examples:
= Allow overriding the editor's image through the URL parameter
With this release, you can override the editor's image using a dedicated URL parameter when starting a Cloud Development Environment. Here are some examples:
- `editor-image=registry.redhat.io/devspaces/code-rhel8`
- `che-editor=che-incubator/che-code/latest&editor-image=registry.redhat.io/devspaces/code-rhel8`
Find more details about the `editor-image` URL parameter in the link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.12/html/user_guide/getting-started-with-devspaces#url-parameter-for-the-ide-image [official documentation].