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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-529

Document and QE Usage of Dependencies Repositories in Offline Scenario


      In the issue CRW-240, we have identified a certain usage scenario of CRW 2 in an disconnected environment that needs:

      • documentation
      • automated tests

      Use case scenario

      As a developer working with CRW and using the different default stacks packaged, the stacks should be configurable so that they are pointing we are to internal dependencies management tools (like artifactory or other).
      It should be easy enough (documented and tested) to the customer and automated, to configure the stacks (and the associated devfile) so that they are rely on different dep management tools.

      Running Workspace


      It will be necessary to point build tools to local registries (maven's settings.xml, ~/.gradle/gradle.properties).
      Often, local maven repos artifactories are using self signed certificates, so a customer will either have to create a keystore and add it to default java cacerts or define keystore in build commands (-DpropName=)


      npm should be configured to be using a local registry (npm set registry? env var passed to)
      If npm registry uses self signed certs, crt should be added to root ca in a container (rebuild an image) or npm should be aware of ca (npm config set ca ""?)

      Other stacks

      Similarly, other stacks like PHP or .NET may need such fine tuning to work with local registries/artifactories etc.

              ericwill@redhat.com Eric Williams
              slemeur@redhat.com Stevan Le Meur
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