It was impossible to run new workspace as a new user while there had been workspace created by another user and had already bound to persistent volume previously:
Error: Failed to run the workspace: "Unrecoverable event occurred: 'FailedMount', 'Unable to mount volumes for pod "workspacesqfbtrbv9wa6n5t2.dockerimage-6d4dd49c8d-9b9tv_codeready-workspaces-qe(2ce63d25-f721-11e8-b652-12d7b7020e30)": timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod "codeready-workspaces-qe"/"workspacesqfbtrbv9wa6n5t2.dockerimage-6d4dd49c8d-9b9tv". list of unmounted volumes=[claim-che-workspace]. list of unattached volumes=[claim-che-workspace default-token-b8wkq]', 'workspacesqfbtrbv9wa6n5t2.dockerimage-6d4dd49c8d-9b9tv'"
The problem: PVC has to have RWX access mode, but actually has RWO (Read-Write-Once)
Link to the issue
- is related to
CRW-43 Make sure we can test CRW on OSD
- Closed