Resolution: Done
Workaround Exists
There is Delete CRD operation in crwctl which leads to removal of all checlusters in all CRW-projects deployed to the same OCP after
crwctl server:delete
command execution:
Verify Kubernetes API Delete the CR eclipse-che of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che Delete CRD checlusters.org.eclipse.che Delete role che-operator Delete cluster role binding che-operator Delete cluster role che-operator Delete rolebinding che-operator Delete service accounts che-operator Delete PVC che-operator Delete all deployments Delete all services Delete all ingresses ✔ Verify Kubernetes API...OK (it's OpenShift) ✔ Delete the CR eclipse-che of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che...OK ✔ Delete CRD checlusters.org.eclipse.che...OK ✔ Delete role che-operator...OK ✔ Delete cluster role binding che-operator...OK ✔ Delete cluster role che-operator...OK ✔ Delete rolebinding che-operator...OK ✔ Delete service accounts che-operator...OK ✔ Delete PVC che-operator...OK ✔ Delete all deployments...OK ✔ Delete all services...OK ✔ Delete all routes...OK ✔ Delete configmaps che and che-operator...OK ✔ Delete rolebindings che, che-workspace-exec and che-workspace-view...OK ✔ Delete service accounts che, che-workspace...OK ✔ Delete PVC postgres-data and che-data-volume...OK ✔ Remove Che minishift addon...OK
Expected behavior https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces-chectl/blob/master/README.md#chectl-serverdelete:
it had to delete checluster from che project only.
- is related to
CRW-499 "crwctl server:delete" doesn't remove openshift project itself
- Closed