Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-4367

remove machinexec-rhel8 image from CSV and stop building it


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Once CRW-3160 is done, we will be building machine-exec from cachito'd sources, rather pulling a binary out of a container image and copying that to GH:

          echo "Using ${MACHINE_EXEC_IMAGE} to prepare machine-exec asset"
          id="$(${BUILDER} create $MACHINE_EXEC_IMAGE)"
          ${BUILDER} cp "$id":/go/bin/che-machine-exec - | gzip -9 > target/brew-assets/asset-machine-exec-${ARCH}.tar.gz 
          ${BUILDER} rm -v $id
          ${BUILDER} rmi $(${BUILDER} images $MACHINE_EXEC_IMAGE -a -q)
      	# upload the binary to GH
      	if [[ ! -x ./uploadAssetsToGHRelease.sh ]]; then 
      		curl -sSLO "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/redhat-developer/devspaces/${MIDSTM_BRANCH}/product/uploadAssetsToGHRelease.sh" && chmod +x uploadAssetsToGHRelease.sh
      	# create a new release & tag w/ fresh assets
      	./uploadAssetsToGHRelease.sh --publish-assets -v "${CSV_VERSION}" -b "${MIDSTM_BRANCH}" --asset-name "${ASSET_NAME}" target/brew-assets/asset-libc-content-${ARCH}.tar.gz  target/brew-assets/asset-machine-exec-${ARCH}.tar.gz 

      At that point:

      • the above script will be much simpler,
      • sources and sources.spec files will be removed, and
      • machineexec-rhel8 container will no longer need to be built

      Then in devspaces-operator and devspaces-operator-bundle, we can update

      • sync*.sh scripts
      • CSV / CRD

              azatsary Artem Zatsarynnyi
              sdawley@redhat.com Samantha Dawley
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
