
    Description of problem:

    We have setup Gitlab Oauth token and due to the 2 hr limit, we would like users to be able to use personal access token's which wont expire.

    Following this: `https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.5/html/user_guide/using-credentials-and-configurations-in-workspaces#using-a-git-provider-access-token`
    in the verification step, states `Start a new workspace by using the URL of a remote Git repository that the Git provider hosts.`

    When I attempt to do this with a gitlab URL, it seems to delete the personal access token secret. rather than use it. 

    Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

        - RedHat Openshift dev spaces 3.5

        - Devworkspace operator 0.19.1
        - Gitlab Oauth setup with devspaces

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. create a new personal-access-token following this `https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.5/html/user_guide/using-credentials-and-configurations-in-workspaces#using-a-git-provider-access-token`
    2. try to create a new workspace using the git repository from the git provider 

    Actual results:

        - Personal access token secret deleted
        - uses the gitlab oauth token

    Expected results:

        - personal access token initiated and installed
        - `devworkspace-merged-git-credentials` are updated and using personal access token

    Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


    Build Details:

    Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):

          ibuziuk@redhat.com Ilya Buziuk
          marslan1@redhat.com Mazlum Arslan (Inactive)
          0 Vote for this issue
          3 Start watching this issue
