
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes
    • Hide
      = Removed internal PostgreSQL

      In {prod-short} 3.6, the internal PostgreSQL database has been removed. The {prod-short} server no longer requires a database to persist workspaces and users' data. With this update, the {prod-short} server is a stateless application with high availability and rolling updates. This removal also results in lighter installation and less maintenance. For more information, see link:https://che.eclipseprojects.io/2023/03/20/@ilya.buziuk-decommissioning-postgresql-database.html[Eclipse Che Blog: Decommissioning the PostgreSQL database].
      = Removed internal PostgreSQL In {prod-short} 3.6, the internal PostgreSQL database has been removed. The {prod-short} server no longer requires a database to persist workspaces and users' data. With this update, the {prod-short} server is a stateless application with high availability and rolling updates. This removal also results in lighter installation and less maintenance. For more information, see link: https://che.eclipseprojects.io/2023/03/20/@ilya.buziuk-decommissioning-postgresql-database.html [Eclipse Che Blog: Decommissioning the PostgreSQL database].
    • Removed Functionality
    • Done

      Synced from eclipse/che issue


      Is your task related to a problem? Please describe

      PostgreSQL database does not store relevant data anymore. Whereas some of the date might still be used the vast majority of it is either irrelevant or outdated e.g. https://github.com/eclipse/che/issues/21168#issuecomment-1092546048
      After the keycloak deprecation, the next logical step is the deprecation of the PostgreSQL database.

      Describe the solution you'd like

      Decommissioning PostgreSQL database completely from Eclipse Che codebase. We need to figure out which relations are still in use and have a clear plan for database removal:

                                  List of relations
       Schema |                      Name                       | Type  | Owner 
       public | account                                         | table | pgche
       public | che_factory                                     | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_action                              | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_action_properties                   | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_ide                                 | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_app_closed_action                | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_app_closed_action_value          | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_app_loaded_action                | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_app_loaded_action_value          | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_projects_loaded_action           | table | pgche
       public | che_factory_on_projects_loaded_action_value     | table | pgche
       public | che_free_resources_limit                        | table | pgche
       public | che_free_resources_limit_resource               | table | pgche
       public | che_k8s_machine                                 | table | pgche
       public | che_k8s_machine_attributes                      | table | pgche
       public | che_k8s_runtime                                 | table | pgche
       public | che_k8s_server                                  | table | pgche
       public | che_k8s_server_attributes                       | table | pgche
       public | che_member                                      | table | pgche
       public | che_member_actions                              | table | pgche
       public | che_organization                                | table | pgche
       public | che_organization_distributed_resources          | table | pgche
       public | che_organization_distributed_resources_resource | table | pgche
       public | che_resource                                    | table | pgche
       public | che_sign_key                                    | table | pgche
       public | che_sign_key_pair                               | table | pgche
       public | che_system_permissions                          | table | pgche
       public | che_system_permissions_actions                  | table | pgche
       public | che_userdevfile_permissions                     | table | pgche
       public | che_userdevfile_permissions_actions             | table | pgche
       public | che_worker                                      | table | pgche
       public | che_worker_actions                              | table | pgche
       public | che_workspace_activity                          | table | pgche
       public | che_workspace_cfg_attributes                    | table | pgche
       public | command                                         | table | pgche
       public | command_attributes                              | table | pgche
       public | devfile                                         | table | pgche
       public | devfile_action                                  | table | pgche
       public | devfile_attributes                              | table | pgche
       public | devfile_command                                 | table | pgche
       public | devfile_command_attributes                      | table | pgche
       public | devfile_component                               | table | pgche
       public | devfile_component_arg                           | table | pgche
       public | devfile_component_command                       | table | pgche
       public | devfile_component_preferences                   | table | pgche
       public | devfile_component_selector                      | table | pgche
       public | devfile_endpoint                                | table | pgche
       public | devfile_endpoint_attributes                     | table | pgche
       public | devfile_entrypoint                              | table | pgche
       public | devfile_entrypoint_arg                          | table | pgche
       public | devfile_entrypoint_commands                     | table | pgche
       public | devfile_entrypoint_selector                     | table | pgche
       public | devfile_env                                     | table | pgche
       public | devfile_project                                 | table | pgche
       public | devfile_volume                                  | table | pgche
       public | environment                                     | table | pgche
       public | externalmachine                                 | table | pgche
       public | externalmachine_attributes                      | table | pgche
       public | externalmachine_env                             | table | pgche
       public | k8s_runtime_command                             | table | pgche
       public | k8s_runtime_command_attributes                  | table | pgche
       public | machine_volume                                  | table | pgche
       public | preference                                      | table | pgche
       public | preference_preferences                          | table | pgche
       public | profile                                         | table | pgche
       public | profile_attributes                              | table | pgche
       public | projectattribute                                | table | pgche
       public | projectattribute_values                         | table | pgche
       public | projectconfig                                   | table | pgche
       public | projectconfig_mixins                            | table | pgche
       public | schema_version                                  | table | pgche
       public | sequence                                        | table | pgche
       public | serverconf                                      | table | pgche
       public | serverconf_attributes                           | table | pgche
       public | serverconf_properties                           | table | pgche
       public | sourcestorage                                   | table | pgche
       public | sourcestorage_parameters                        | table | pgche
       public | sshkeypair                                      | table | pgche
       public | user_aliases                                    | table | pgche
       public | userdevfile                                     | table | pgche
       public | usr                                             | table | pgche
       public | workspace                                       | table | pgche
       public | workspace_attributes                            | table | pgche
       public | workspaceconfig                                 | table | pgche
      (84 rows)                     Name                       | Type  | Owner 

      Describe alternatives you've considered


      Additional context

      Additional motivation for removing db is the fact that users are deprovioned every 30 days according to the TOS on Developer Sandbox, and during the de-provioning toolchain needs to explicitly cleanup the users entries from the Eclipse Che db. In the latest version of Eclipse Che we need to let OpenShift handle the user management instead.

      In general, once decommissioned it will be much less codebase to support and -1 operand to manage.

              rhn-ecs-pkovar Petr Kovar (Inactive)
              jiralint.codeready Bot Codeready
              Dmytro Nochevnov Dmytro Nochevnov
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
