Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-4056

'test-factory-che-code' typescript test doesn't remove test workspace on failure

    • False
    • None
    • False

      'test-factory-che-code' typescript test doesn't remove test workspace on failure [1], and it leads to follow up typescript test to fail in factory-tests pipeline [2]:

      19:40:08      ✔ Push the changes (3995ms)
      19:40:08        Check if the changes were pushed
      19:40:08              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(css selector, .codicon-toolbar-more)
      19:40:08              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility - Element is located and is visible.
      19:40:08              ‣ DriverHelper.wait (1500 milliseconds)
      19:40:10            ▼ scmProvider.takeAction: "Refresh"
      19:40:10              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"']) attribute: 'aria-disabled'
      19:40:10              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:11    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitVisibility - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:11    Wait timed out after 1133ms
      19:40:11              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute - Polling timed out attempt #1, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      19:40:11              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:12    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitVisibility - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:12    Wait timed out after 1150ms
      19:40:12              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute - Polling timed out attempt #2, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      19:40:12              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:14    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitVisibility - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:14    Wait timed out after 1127ms
      19:40:14              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute - Polling timed out attempt #3, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      19:40:14              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:15    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitVisibility - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:15    Wait timed out after 1109ms
      19:40:15              ‣ DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute - Polling timed out attempt #4, retrying with 1000ms timeout
      19:40:15              ‣ DriverHelper.waitVisibility By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:16    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitVisibility - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:16    Wait timed out after 1080ms
      19:40:16    [ERROR] DriverHelper.waitAndGetElementAttribute - failed with exception, out of attempts - TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:16    Wait timed out after 1080ms
      19:40:16      1) Check if the changes were pushed
      19:40:16              ‣ FullTitle:Create a workspace via launching a factory from the bitbucket repository Check if the changes were pushed
      19:40:16              ‣ FullTitleSanitized:Create_a_workspace_via_launching_a_factory_from_the_bitbucket_repository_Check_if_the_changes_were_pushed
      19:40:16              ‣ TestTitle:Check if the changes were pushed
      19:40:16              ‣ TestTitleSanitized:Check_if_the_changes_were_pushed
      19:40:16    [ERROR] CodereadyReporter runner.on.fail: Create a workspace via launching a factory from the bitbucket repository Check if the changes were pushed failed after 7456ms
      19:40:16    Additional information (logs, dumps, screenshots) you can find in the
      19:40:16    "./report/Create_a_workspace_via_launching_a_factory_from_the_bitbucket_repository_Check_if_the_changes_were_pushed" folder.
      19:40:16              ‣ DriverHelper.getDriver
      19:40:17    15 passing (2m)
      19:40:17    1 failing
      19:40:17    1) Create a workspace via launching a factory from the bitbucket repository
      19:40:17         Check if the changes were pushed:
      19:40:17       TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//a[@title='Commit Changes on "master"'])
      19:40:17  Wait timed out after 1080ms
      19:40:17        at /tmp/e2e-codeready/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:907:17
      19:40:17        at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
      19:40:17        at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

      There was "DELETE_WORKSPACE_ON_FAILED_TEST: true".

      Affected code:

      [1] https://main-jenkins-csb-crwqe.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/Testing/job/e2e/job/basic/job/typescript-tests/6482/console

      [2] https://main-jenkins-csb-crwqe.apps.ocp-c1.prod.psi.redhat.com/job/Testing/job/e2e/job/basic/job/typescript-tests/6483/artifact/test-repo/report/Create_a_workspace_via_launching_a_factory_from_the_bitbucket_repository_Wait_the_workspace_readiness/screenshot-Wait_the_workspace_readiness.png

              rh-ee-mdolhalo Maryna Dolhalova (Inactive)
              dnochevn Dmytro Nochevnov
              0 Vote for this issue
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