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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3862

[RN] Allow an admin to specify Che default editor and containers


    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 3.1.0.GA
    • 3.1.0.GA
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      = Allow an admin to specify Che default editor and containers

      Che administrators can now configure the default editor (Theia, VS Code, IntelliJ or PyCharm) and the default container. Those defaults are used when the developer doesn't specify an editor or doesn't specify a devfile. The configuration can be done in the `CheCluster` Custom Resource in the the `workspaces` section using the just introduced `defaultComponent` and `defaultEditor` fields.
      = Allow an admin to specify Che default editor and containers Che administrators can now configure the default editor (Theia, VS Code, IntelliJ or PyCharm) and the default container. Those defaults are used when the developer doesn't specify an editor or doesn't specify a devfile. The configuration can be done in the `CheCluster` Custom Resource in the the `workspaces` section using the just introduced `defaultComponent` and `defaultEditor` fields.
    • Proposed

      Synced from eclipse/che issue


      Is your enhancement related to a problem? Please describe

      If no devfile is present in a git repository the default is to start a workspace with only one component (the Theia container) and Theia as the editor.

      That's a bad UX as the Theia container misses many langue tools and because an admin cannot change this behavior.

      Describe the solution you'd like

      The default container should be a UDI container. Both the default container and the default editor should be configurable in the CheCluster CR.

        defaultComponent or defaultContainer ?: |
          name: universal-developer-image
              image: quay.io/devfile/universal-developer-image:ubi8-latest
              memoryRequest: 256M
              memoryLimit: 1536M
              cpuRequest: 0.1
              cpuLimit: 0.5
        defaultEditor: eclipse/che-theia/next

      Additional Context

      This is a #21340 subtask.

      Release Notes Text

      Che administrators can now configure the default editor (Theia, VS Code, IntelliJ or PyCharm) and the default container. Those defaults are used when the developer doesn't specify an editor or doesn't specify a devfile. The configuration can be done in the CheCluster Custom Resource in the the workspaces section using the just introduced defaultComponent and defaultEditor fields.

              jvrbkova@redhat.com Jana Vrbkova
              nickboldt Nick Boldt
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
