Resolution: Won't Do
Installation by deploy.sh has stuck when there is "--verbose" parameter applied. For example:
+ /mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/pre-release-installation-test-against-OCP4.x-with-OS-oauth/codeready-workspaces-operator-installer/deploy.sh -d --server-image=quay.io/crw/server-rhel8 --version=1.2-56 --operator-image=quay.io/crw/operator-rhel8:1.2-30 --verbose -p=crw-oauth-new --oauth [INFO]: Welcome to CodeReady Workspaces installer [INFO]: Found oc client in PATH [INFO]: Checking if you are currently logged in... [INFO]: Active session found. Your current context is: default/api-crw-codereadyqe-com:6443/kube:admin [WARNING]: Project 'crw-oauth-new' not found, or the current user does not have access to it. The installer will try to create a 'crw-oauth-new' project. [INFO]: Creating project 'crw-oauth-new'. [INFO]: Project 'crw-oauth-new' successfully created. [INFO]: Creating operator service account. [INFO]: Creating service account roles. [INFO]: Creating role binding. [INFO]: Self-signed certificate support enabled. [INFO]: Adding extra privileges for the operator service account. [INFO]: Creating secret-reader role and rolebinding in namespace 'openshift-ingress'. [INFO]: The secret-reader role already exists. [INFO]: Creating role binding to let the operator get secrets in the 'openshift-ingress' namespace. [INFO]: Role binding codeready-operator already exists in the 'openshift-ingress' namespace. [INFO]: Creating a cluster role to let the operator service account create OAuthClients. [INFO]: The cluster role already exists. [INFO]: Creating cluster role binding to let the operator service account create OAuthClients. [INFO]: Cluster role binding codeready-operator already exists. [INFO]: Creating a custom resource definition. [INFO]: Applying patch cluster_role.yaml [INFO]: Applying cluster_role_binding.yaml [INFO]: Creating Operator Deployment [INFO]: Waiting for the deployment/codeready-operator to be scaled to 1. Timeout 300 seconds [INFO]: Codeready Workspaces deployment/codeready-operator started in 18 seconds [INFO]: Creating custom resource. This will initiate CodeReady Workspaces deployment. [INFO]: CodeReady Workspaces is going to be deployed with the following settings: [INFO]: TLS support: false [INFO]: OpenShift OAuth: true [INFO]: Self-signed certs: true [INFO]: Waiting for CodeReady Workspaces to boot. Timeout: 1200 seconds. [INFO]: You may exit this script as soon as the log reports a successful CodeReady Workspaces deployment. time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="Go Version: go1.11.6" time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="Go OS/Arch: linux/amd64" time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="operator-sdk Version: v0.5.0" time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="Operator is running on OpenShift v4.x" time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="Registering Components" time="2019-09-11T09:41:04Z" level=info msg="Starting the Cmd" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a test route test to extract router crt" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Route, name: test" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Deleting a test route test to extract routes crt" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Secret, name: self-signed-certificate" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Secret, name: openshift-api-crt" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: Che API: Unavailable" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: ServiceAccount, name: che" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: ServiceAccount, name: che-workspace" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Role, name: exec" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Role, name: view" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: RoleBinding, name: che" time="2019-09-11T09:41:16Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: RoleBinding, name: che-workspace-exec" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: RoleBinding, name: che-workspace-view" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with auto-generated CheCluster DB password: password-hidden" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=error msg="Failed to get keycloak deployment: Deployment.apps "keycloak" not found" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Disregard the error. No existing Identity provider deployment found. Generating passwd" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with auto-generated Keycloak DB password: password-hidden" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Postgres User: pgche" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Postgres DB: dbche" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Postgres hostname: postgres" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Postgres port: 5432" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with DB image:tag: registry.redhat.io/rhscl/postgresql-96-rhel7:1-46" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=error msg="Failed to get keycloak deployment: Deployment.apps "keycloak" not found" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Disregard the error. No existing Identity provider deployment found. Using default image" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Keycloak image:tag: registry.redhat.io/redhat-sso-7/sso73-openshift:1.0-13" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Keycloak realm: codeready" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Keycloak client ID: codeready-public" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with plugin registry URL: https://che-plugin-registry.openshift.io" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with log level: INFO" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with debug: false" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with pvc jobs image: registry.redhat.io/ubi8-minimal:8.0-159" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Service, name: postgres" time="2019-09-11T09:41:17Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object PersistentVolumeClaim, name: postgres-data" time="2019-09-11T09:41:18Z" level=info msg="Waiting for PVC postgres-data to be bound. Default timeout: 10 seconds" time="2019-09-11T09:41:28Z" level=warning msg="Timeout waiting for a PVC postgres-data to be bound. Current phase is Pending" time="2019-09-11T09:41:28Z" level=warning msg="Sometimes PVC can be bound only when the first consumer is created" time="2019-09-11T09:41:28Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Deployment, name: postgres" time="2019-09-11T09:41:29Z" level=info msg="Waiting for deployment postgres. Default timeout: 420 seconds" time="2019-09-11T09:42:12Z" level=info msg="Deployment 'postgres' successfully scaled to 1" time="2019-09-11T09:42:12Z" level=info msg="Running exec to create Keycloak DB, user, privileges in pod postgres-589664c7f6-8rfnf" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Exec successfully completed" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: provisioned with DB and user: true" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Service, name: che-host" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Route, name: codeready" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with CheHost URL: codeready-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Service, name: keycloak" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object Route, name: keycloak" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Keycloak URL: http://keycloak-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: Keycloak URL: http://keycloak-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:42:13Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Deployment, name: keycloak" time="2019-09-11T09:42:14Z" level=info msg="Waiting for deployment keycloak. Default timeout: 420 seconds" time="2019-09-11T09:42:54Z" level=info msg="Deployment 'keycloak' successfully scaled to 1" time="2019-09-11T09:42:54Z" level=info msg="Running exec to create realm, client and user in pod keycloak-57c8bbb965-q7jcl" time="2019-09-11T09:43:07Z" level=info msg="Exec successfully completed" time="2019-09-11T09:43:07Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: provisioned with Keycloak: true" time="2019-09-11T09:43:07Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:43:07Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with oAuthClient name: codeready-openshift-identity-provider-auh4ag" time="2019-09-11T09:43:07Z" level=warning msg="Failed to update codeready CR: Operation cannot be fulfilled on checlusters.org.eclipse.che "codeready": the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with oAuthClient name: codeready-openshift-identity-provider-efltyx" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with oAuthC secret name: hpL3Z2g4EpLp" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: OAuthClient, name: codeready-openshift-identity-provider-efltyx" time="2019-09-11T09:43:10Z" level=info msg="Running exec to create OpenShift identity provider in pod keycloak-57c8bbb965-q7jcl" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Exec successfully completed" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: provisioned with OpenShift identity provider: true" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: ConfigMap, name: che" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: ConfigMap, name: custom" time="2019-09-11T09:43:14Z" level=info msg="Creating a new object: Deployment, name: codeready" time="2019-09-11T09:43:15Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: Che API: Unavailable" time="2019-09-11T09:43:15Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:43:15Z" level=info msg="Waiting for deployment codeready. Default timeout: 420 seconds" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Deployment 'codeready' successfully scaled to 1" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with Keycloak URL status: http://keycloak-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with status: CodeReady Workspaces server: Available" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with CodeReady Workspaces server URL: http://codeready-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="CodeReady Workspaces is now available at: http://codeready-crw-oauth-new.apps.crw.codereadyqe.com" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Updating codeready CR with version: 1.2-56" time="2019-09-11T09:44:10Z" level=info msg="Custom resource codeready updated"