Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3614

[KI] redhat.java extension includes x64 JRE and sets TargetPlatform="linux-x64"; VS Code will not load it on IBM Z / Power clusters


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      = The redhat.java extension is failing on IBM Power and IBM Z

      Currently, the link:https://open-vsx.org/extension/redhat/java[Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat] extension cannot be loaded in Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source on IBM Power and IBM Z. This extension includes an embedded `x86_64` JRE 17, which does not run on other architectures, and the `.vsix` file includes a `extension.vsixmanifest` file which sets `TargetPlatform="linux-x64"`, so it is ignored on non-matching architectures.

      As a result, trying to install the Test Runner for Java or other extensions that depend on the Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat extension will cause an error to be shown: *The 'redhat.java' extension is not available in {prod} with Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE*.

      There is currently no workaround for this issue.
      = The redhat.java extension is failing on IBM Power and IBM Z Currently, the link: https://open-vsx.org/extension/redhat/java [Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat] extension cannot be loaded in Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source on IBM Power and IBM Z. This extension includes an embedded `x86_64` JRE 17, which does not run on other architectures, and the `.vsix` file includes a `extension.vsixmanifest` file which sets `TargetPlatform="linux-x64"`, so it is ignored on non-matching architectures. As a result, trying to install the Test Runner for Java or other extensions that depend on the Language Support for Java(TM) by Red Hat extension will cause an error to be shown: *The 'redhat.java' extension is not available in {prod} with Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE*. There is currently no workaround for this issue.
    • Known Issue
    • Rejected

      Description of problem:

      Reproduced with airgap Dev Spaces 3.3.0:
              -  Index image v4.11: brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/iib:390164
              -  airgap OCP 4.11
      VS Code Editor failed to install next recommended extensions in Quarkus sample:
              - "Quarkus" extension
             -  "Tools for MicroProfile" extenstion
             - "Test Runner for Java" extension

      The 'redhat.java' extension is not available in Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with Microsoft Visual Studio Code - Open Source IDE for Linux 64 bit.

      Other recommended extensions had been installed successfully:
              -   "Debugger for Java" extension
              -   "Dependency Analytics" extension
      Issue hasn't been reproduced in online OCP 4.10 cluster.
      VS Code Editor:
                 -  Version: 1.74.0
                -   Browser: Mozilla/5.0 

      A similar issue was observed on s390x trying to switch to the pre-release version of redhat.java extension (v1.14.2022121311). On start of the workspace, v.1.12.0 is enabled but throws an error when trying to switch to v1.14.2022121311:

      Can't install pre-release version of 'redhat.java' extension
      because it is not compatible with the current version of
      Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces with Microsoft Visual
      Studio Code - Open Source IDE (version 1.74.0).

      Original reported issue → https://github.com/redhat-developer/vscode-java/issues/2837

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          ashwini kadam
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          ashwini kadam
        3. screenshot-1.png
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          Nick Boldt
        4. Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 10.32.02 PM.png
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          Rafiur Rashid

            lzhan@redhat.com Lei Zhang
            askadam1 ashwini kadam
            ashwini kadam ashwini kadam
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
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