Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3555

"dsc server:deploy --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml" command didn't change default property "disableContainerBuildCapabilities"


    • False
    • None
    • False

      Description of problem:

      "dsc server:deploy --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml" command didn't change default property "disableContainerBuildCapabilities":

      Prerequisites (if any, like setup, operators/versions):

      • DS 3.3.0.ER-11-16: devspaces-operator-bundle-container-3.3-232
      • dsc/3.3.0-CI-d2631a-redhat.56cefad linux-x64 node-v16.13.2

      Steps to Reproduce

      Execute command:

      dsc server:deploy --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=custom-resource-patch.yaml --package-manifest-name=devspaces --catalog-source-name=devspaces-operator-3-3-osbs-stable --olm-channel=stable --catalog-source-namespace=openshift-marketplace --listr-renderer=verbose


      apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v2
            runningLimit: '10000'
            disableContainerBuildCapabilities: false
      dsc command log
       [20:42:44] Verify Kubernetes API [started]
       › Current Kubernetes context: 'openshift-devspaces/api-ocp410-crw-qe-com:6443/admin'
       [20:42:44] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [OpenShift] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [OpenShift] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Looking for an already existing Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance [started]
       [20:42:44] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces" [started]
       [20:42:44] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces"...[Not Found] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces"...[Not Found] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Looking for an already existing Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance [completed]
       [20:42:44] ✈️  Openshift preflight checklist [started]
       [20:42:44] Verify if oc is installed [started]
       [20:42:44] Verify if oc is installed...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Verify if oc is installed...[OK] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Verify if openshift is running [started]
       [20:42:44] Verify if openshift is running...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Verify if openshift is running...[OK] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Check OpenShift version [started]
       [20:42:44] Check OpenShift version: [4.10] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Check OpenShift version: [4.10] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Check Kubernetes version [started]
       [20:42:44] Check Kubernetes version: [1.23] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Check Kubernetes version: [1.23] [completed]
       [20:42:44] ✈️  Openshift preflight checklist [completed]
       [20:42:44] Following Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs [started]
       [20:42:44] Start following logs [started]
       [20:42:44] Start following logs...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Start following logs...[OK] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Following Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs [completed]
       [20:42:44] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces [started]
       [20:42:44] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces...[Exists] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces...[Exists] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Deploy Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces [started]
       [20:42:44] Set context [started]
       [20:42:44] Set context...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:42:44] Set context...[OK] [completed]
       [20:42:44] Create CatalogSource [started]
       [20:42:44] Create CatalogSource [skipped]
       [20:42:44] Create Subscription devspaces-subscription [started]
       [20:43:00] Create Subscription devspaces-subscription...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:43:00] Create Subscription devspaces-subscription...[OK] [completed]
       [20:43:00] Fetch CheCluster CR sample [started]
       [20:43:00] Fetch CheCluster CR sample...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:43:00] Fetch CheCluster CR sample...[OK] [completed]
       [20:43:00] Create CheCluster Custom Resource [started]
       [20:43:13] Create CheCluster Custom Resource...[Created] [title changed]
       [20:43:13] Create CheCluster Custom Resource...[Created] [completed]
       [20:43:13] Deploy Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces [completed]
       [20:43:13] Post installation checklist [started]
       [20:43:13] PostgreSQL pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:43:13] Scheduling [started]
       [20:44:04] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:04] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:04] Downloading images [started]
       [20:44:16] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:16] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:16] Starting [started]
       [20:44:34] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:34] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:34] PostgreSQL pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:44:34] Devfile Registry pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:44:34] Scheduling [started]
       [20:44:38] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:38] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:38] Downloading images [started]
       [20:44:40] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:40] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:40] Starting [started]
       [20:44:51] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:51] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:51] Devfile Registry pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:44:51] Plug-in Registry pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:44:51] Scheduling [started]
       [20:44:54] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:54] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:54] Downloading images [started]
       [20:44:57] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:44:57] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:44:57] Starting [started]
       [20:45:04] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:04] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:04] Plug-in Registry pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:45:04] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:45:04] Scheduling [started]
       [20:45:11] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:11] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:11] Downloading images [started]
       [20:45:13] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:13] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:13] Starting [started]
       [20:45:21] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:21] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:21] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:45:21] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:45:21] Scheduling [started]
       [20:45:28] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:28] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:28] Downloading images [started]
       [20:45:31] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:31] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:31] Starting [started]
       [20:45:32] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:32] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:32] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Gateway pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:45:32] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Server pod bootstrap [started]
       [20:45:32] Scheduling [started]
       [20:45:32] Scheduling...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:32] Scheduling...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:32] Downloading images [started]
       [20:45:32] Downloading images...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:45:32] Downloading images...[OK] [completed]
       [20:45:32] Starting [started]
       [20:46:28] Starting...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:46:28] Starting...[OK] [completed]
       [20:46:28] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces Server pod bootstrap [completed]
       [20:46:28] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces status check [started]
       [20:46:28] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces status check...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:46:28] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces status check...[OK] [completed]
       [20:46:28] Post installation checklist [completed]
       [20:46:28] Retrieving Che self-signed CA certificate [started]
       [20:46:28] Retrieving Che self-signed CA certificate...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:46:28] Retrieving Che self-signed CA certificate...[OK] [completed]
       [20:46:28] Prepare post installation output [started]
       [20:46:36] Prepare post installation output...[OK] [title changed]
       [20:46:36] Prepare post installation output...[OK] [completed]
       [20:46:36] Show important messages [started]
       [20:46:36] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces '3.3.0' has been successfully deployed. [started]
       [20:46:36] Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces '3.3.0' has been successfully deployed. [completed]
       [20:46:36] Documentation             : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.3/ [started]
       [20:46:36] Documentation             : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.3/ [completed]
       [20:46:36] Release Notes           : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.3/html/release_notes_and_known_issues/index [started]
       [20:46:36] Release Notes           : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_openshift_dev_spaces/3.3/html/release_notes_and_known_issues/index [completed]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [started]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [completed]
       [20:46:36] Users Dashboard           : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/dashboard/ [started]
       [20:46:36] Users Dashboard           : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/dashboard/ [completed]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [started]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [completed]
       [20:46:36] Plug-in Registry          : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/plugin-registry/v3/ [started]
       [20:46:36] Plug-in Registry          : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/plugin-registry/v3/ [completed]
       [20:46:36] Devfile Registry          : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/devfile-registry/ [started]
       [20:46:36] Devfile Registry          : https://devspaces.apps.ocp410.crw-qe.com/devfile-registry/ [completed]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [started]
       [20:46:36] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [completed]
       [20:46:36] Show important messages [completed]
       Command server:deploy has completed successfully in 03:53.

      Actual results:

      There was "disableContainerBuildCapabilities: true" in CheCluster after deployment:

      Expected results:

      There is "disableContainerBuildCapabilities: false"

      Reproducibility (Always/Intermittent/Only Once):


      Build Details:

      Additional info (Such as Logs, Screenshots, etc):

        1. checluster.yaml
          2 kB
          Dmytro Nochevnov

              abazko Anatolii Bazko
              dnochevn Dmytro Nochevnov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
