
    • False
    • None
    • False

      Need to either run `shopt -s histappend` or the `history -a` command to create the .bash_history file.

      Unclear if history will persist between pod starts (likely not) but should persist between workspace start/stops if the pod isn't torn down.

      Mattia Mascia : Any existing best practices to preserve bash history with devspace workspace container? or should I invite one ? 🙂

      Mario Loriedo : We use a trick for web terminal when the windows is closed / reopened but nothing that is persisted across restart of the pod

      Mattia Mascia : Ok, so I was thinking to mount a persistent storage under /home/user/.profile and add the env HISTFILE—/home/user/.profile/.bash_history
      and I noticed yesterday quickly that the histappend is disabled, so I probably need to enable it on the container. I believe the shopt -s histappend should be run or the history -a command to create the .bash_history file.

            vsvydenk Valerii Svydenko
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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