Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3440

Run workspace from factory of Bitbucket.org repo using devfile ver.1.0.0 (or no devfile) fails on DS 3.2.0


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes
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      = New workspaces based on Bitbucket.org-hosted repositories fail to start without a v2 devfile

      Currently, new workspaces based on a Bitbucket.org-hosted repository fail to start if the repository contains no devfile or a v1 devfile. The result is the *Failed to create the workspace* error message.


      * If the repository does not contain a devfile, add a v2.1 devfile to the repository.

      * If the repository contains a v1 devfile, migrate the devfile from v1 to v2.1. See link:https://devfile.io/docs/2.1.0/migrating-to-devfile-v2[].
      = New workspaces based on Bitbucket.org-hosted repositories fail to start without a v2 devfile Currently, new workspaces based on a Bitbucket.org-hosted repository fail to start if the repository contains no devfile or a v1 devfile. The result is the *Failed to create the workspace* error message. .Workaround * If the repository does not contain a devfile, add a v2.1 devfile to the repository. * If the repository contains a v1 devfile, migrate the devfile from v1 to v2.1. See link: https://devfile.io/docs/2.1.0/migrating-to-devfile-v2 [].
    • Known Issue
    • Done
    • Workaround Exists
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      If no devfile present, add a v2.1 devfile. If a v1 devfile is present, replace apiVersion: 1.0.0 with schemaVersion: 2.1.0 in workspace's devfile.yaml

      If no devfile present, add a v2.1 devfile. If a v1 devfile is present, replace apiVersion: 1.0.0 with schemaVersion: 2.1.0 in workspace's devfile.yaml
    • Hide
      Deploy DS 3.2.0 on OCP cluster Launch factory from Bitbucket.org repo which uses devfile.yaml with apiversion 1.0.0 , e.g. https://devspaces.apps.ocp411-oshmara.crw-qe.com/f?url=https://bitbucket.org/ashmaraev/public-bb-repo/src/master/ See the error

      • When trying to run a workspace from factory from Bitbucket.org repo using devfile apiversion 1.0.0, the process fails with an error:
      dashboard start workspace page
      Unable to create devworkspace: DevWorkspace.workspace.devfile.io "public-repo-testname" is invalid: [<nil>: Invalid value: "": "spec.template.projects[0]" must validate one and only one schema (oneOf). Found none valid, spec.template.projects[0].git: Required value]
        "devworkspace": {
          "apiVersion": "workspace.devfile.io/v1alpha2",
          "kind": "DevWorkspace",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "public-repo-testname",
            "namespace": "admin-devspaces",
            "annotations": {
              "che.eclipse.org/devfile-source": "url:\n  location: 'https://bitbucket.org/ashmaraev/public-bb-repo/src/master/'\nfactory:\n  params: 'url=https://bitbucket.org/ashmaraev/public-bb-repo/src/master/'\n",
              "che.eclipse.org/last-updated-timestamp": "2022-10-13T14:01:46.560Z",
              "che.eclipse.org/che-editor": "eclipse/che-theia/latest"
            "labels": {},
            "uid": ""
          "spec": {
            "started": false,
            "routingClass": "che",
            "template": {
              "components": [],
              "attributes": {
                "metadata-name-field": "generateName",
                "metadata-name-original-value": "public-repo-testname",
                "dw.metadata.annotations": {
                  "che.eclipse.org/devfile-source": "url:\n  location: 'https://bitbucket.org/ashmaraev/public-bb-repo/src/master/'\nfactory:\n  params: 'url=https://bitbucket.org/ashmaraev/public-bb-repo/src/master/'\n",
                  "che.eclipse.org/last-updated-timestamp": "2022-10-13T14:01:46.560Z",
                  "che.eclipse.org/che-editor": "eclipse/che-theia/latest"
                "che-theia.eclipse.org/sidecar-policy": "mergeImage"
              "projects": [
                  "attributes": {},
                  "name": "public-bb-repo"
              "commands": []
      • Note: if use devfile.yaml with schemaVersion: 2.1.0 a workspace is run properly

        1. bb-cloud-factory-ds320.png
          465 kB
          Shmaraiev Oleksandr
        2. ds320-bb-org-factory-no-devfile.png
          104 kB
          Shmaraiev Oleksandr
        3. image-2023-02-23-12-46-31-443.png
          177 kB
          Maryna Dolhalova

              oorel Oleksii Orel
              oshmarai Shmaraiev Oleksandr
              Shmaraiev Oleksandr Shmaraiev Oleksandr
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
