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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3417

BitBucket repo does not work with factory link


    • False
    • None
    • False
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      = Starting new workspaces with clones of public repositories hosted on Bitbucket.org

      Before this update, starting a new workspace by entering the URL of a Bitbucket.org-hosted public repository failed. With this update, you can successfully start a new workspace by entering the URL of a Bitbucket.org-hosted public repository that you want to be cloned into the workspace.
      = Starting new workspaces with clones of public repositories hosted on Bitbucket.org Before this update, starting a new workspace by entering the URL of a Bitbucket.org-hosted public repository failed. With this update, you can successfully start a new workspace by entering the URL of a Bitbucket.org-hosted public repository that you want to be cloned into the workspace.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      GitHub seems to work great with a factory link, BitBucket fails.

      // GitHub version. The repo in the factory link below is a real public repo, you can use it in a similar test for a factory link.

      // BitBucket version. The repo in the factory link below is a real public repo, you can use it in a similar test for a factory link.

      Using the above links and repos, GitHub succeeds and BitBucket fails.

              ivinokur-1 Igor Vinokur
              rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
