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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3381

Project clone fails when auth is required and a specific branch is specified


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      = Cloning private Git repositories is failing for specified Git revisions

      There is currently a known issue when starting workspaces that clone private Git repositories. After successfully cloning and reading the remote Git repository, the *project-clone* container fails to checkout a specified Git revision, for example a feature branch or PR branch. As a result of this error, the remote Git repository is cloned into a temporary directory named *project-clone-__<random_characters>__*.

      In {prod-short}, users have two ways to specify a Git revision for a new workspace:

      * By adding a `checkoutFrom` section in the devfile.

      * By visiting or entering the URL of a feature branch or pull request in the browser or in the {prod-short} dashboard.


      * If you are using a `checkoutFrom` section in the devfile, then do as follows:
      . Before starting a new workspace, remove or comment out the `checkoutFrom` section from the devfile.
      . After the repository is cloned, switch to the desired revision.

      * If you are using the URL of a feature branch or pull request to start a new workspace, then do as follows:
      . When starting a new workspace, enter the URL of the repository without any branch syntax.
      . After the repository is cloned, switch to the desired revision.
      = Cloning private Git repositories is failing for specified Git revisions There is currently a known issue when starting workspaces that clone private Git repositories. After successfully cloning and reading the remote Git repository, the *project-clone* container fails to checkout a specified Git revision, for example a feature branch or PR branch. As a result of this error, the remote Git repository is cloned into a temporary directory named *project-clone-__<random_characters>__*. [NOTE] ==== In {prod-short}, users have two ways to specify a Git revision for a new workspace: * By adding a `checkoutFrom` section in the devfile. * By visiting or entering the URL of a feature branch or pull request in the browser or in the {prod-short} dashboard. ==== .Workaround * If you are using a `checkoutFrom` section in the devfile, then do as follows: + . Before starting a new workspace, remove or comment out the `checkoutFrom` section from the devfile. . After the repository is cloned, switch to the desired revision. * If you are using the URL of a feature branch or pull request to start a new workspace, then do as follows: + . When starting a new workspace, enter the URL of the repository without any branch syntax. . After the repository is cloned, switch to the desired revision.
    • Known Issue
    • Done

      We have a user reporting that the container 'project-clone' is failing to clone the project's source code from bitbucket. The customer is using a custom TLS certificate signed by a custom intermediate CA.

      The user finds that they can clone the bitbucket repo if they open a terminal window and type 'git clone' with the http.sslCAInfo pointing to /public-certs/ca-certs.ca-bundle.crt. This tells us that the file ca-certs.ca-bundle.crt contains the right CA certs.

      What is in question is if project-clone correctly gets the CA certs from the mount /public-certs. (/public-certs/ca-certs.ca-bundle.crt seems to have gotten the right contents from CM che-trusted-ca-certs because the experiment above with git CLI succeeds.) But does project-clone seek out the right file?

      If project-clone seems to be accessing the right certs, something else must be wrong. Please consider possibilities, discuss, etc.

      Thank you!

              amisevsk Angel Misevski (Inactive)
              rhn-support-rick Rick Wagner
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              1 Vote for this issue
              8 Start watching this issue
