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For this epic, we will need to make sure that the integration with the DevConsole is working properly when a CRW 2.x is deployed on the cluster. It would add additional capabilities to the DevConsole, like the ability to edit an application from the application topology view.
We'll need to make sure that the capabilities added by CRW to the DevConsole are properly highlighted in the documentation.
This work should be done in coordination between shbose and mloriedo.
DevConsole Integrations to test:
- When CRW is deployed on the OpenShift Cluster, then the "application launcher menu" is displaying CRW icon, so that the users can access to CRW.
- From the application topology view, as a user, if CRW is deployed, I have the ability to click the "edit button" on each of the microservices to get a developer environment spined up to code on it.
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CRW-313 CRW 2.0 Overall Epic / Do All The Things!
- Closed