Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3330

publish latest DWO images to quay, then include them in quay.io/devspaces/iib images


    • False
    • None
    • False

      To prevent a situation where the latest DWO is:

      • registry.stage.redhat.io/devworkspace/devworkspace-operator-bundle@sha256:ffd00fff23ee87d09dea8cea5b1c649b62a85db30cca645ada2bf0a53c39e375

      and therefore we get this error installing the latest IIB for 3.3 (if we're outside RH and can't login to reg.stage or brew.reg):

              - message: bundle contents have not yet been persisted to installplan status
                reason: BundleNotUnpacked
                status: 'True'
                type: BundleLookupNotPersisted
              - lastTransitionTime: '2022-09-12T19:03:37Z'
                message: >-
                  unpack job not completed: Unpack
                  container(pull) is pending. Reason: ImagePullBackOff, Message:
                  Back-off pulling image
                reason: JobIncomplete
                status: 'True'
                type: BundleLookupPending
            identifier: devworkspace-operator.v0.15.2-0.1661828401.p
            path: >-
            properties: >-
            replaces: devworkspace-operator.v0.14.1
          - catalogSourceRef:
              name: iib-testingdevspaces
              namespace: openshift-operators
              - message: bundle contents have not yet been persisted to installplan status
                reason: BundleNotUnpacked
                status: 'True'
                type: BundleLookupNotPersisted
              - lastTransitionTime: '2022-09-12T19:03:37Z'
                message: unpack job not completed
                reason: JobIncomplete
                status: 'True'
                type: BundleLookupPending
              - lastTransitionTime: '2022-09-12T19:14:26Z'
                message: Job was active longer than specified deadline
                reason: DeadlineExceeded
                status: 'True'
                type: BundleLookupFailed

      ... we need to filter out unreleased (reg-proxy and stage) images or else ...

      • start copying DWO images to Quay (as we do for DS).

      See https://github.com/redhat-developer/devspaces/blob/devspaces-3-rhel-8/product/filterIIBForDevSpaces.sh#L101-L103 – will need to have more than one sourceIndexImage (one for DWO, one for DS, etc.). Can then use differnt render.json to build the DWO content in https://github.com/redhat-developer/devspaces/blob/devspaces-3-rhel-8/product/filterIIBForDevSpaces.sh#L135-L141

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