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    • Release Notes
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      = Bitbucket API client resolves the server URI

      Before this update, the Bitbucket API client failed to resolve the server URI because of the path segments. With this update, the server URI is successfully resolved with the path segments.
      = Bitbucket API client resolves the server URI Before this update, the Bitbucket API client failed to resolve the server URI because of the path segments. With this update, the server URI is successfully resolved with the path segments.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done

      Fix a bug where URL is not resolved correctly if a server URL has path segments. URI.create(https://server-url/path-segment).resolve(/second-path) returns https://server-url/second-path, so the path-segment is ignored. See for more details.

      Add a trailing / to the server URL and make the rest API segments relative to fix the problem.

              ivinokur-1 Ihor Vinokur
              mbenitez@redhat.com Martha Benitez
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
