Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3316

[RN] Adding a container registry from Dashboard User preferences doesn't work



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Major
    • 3.3.0.GA
    • 3.3.0.GA
    • docs
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Release Notes
    • Hide
      = Pulling container images from private container registries into workspaces

      Before this update, workspaces failed to start when using a devfile that points to a private container registry. This failure occurred even though the user had added the registry in the *Add Container Registry* dialog in the dashboard's *User Preferences*. With this update, you can start workspaces from a devfile that points to a container image in a private container registry. Before starting a workspace with such a devfile, you must add the registry in the *Add Container Registry* dialog in the dashboard's *User Preferences*.
      = Pulling container images from private container registries into workspaces Before this update, workspaces failed to start when using a devfile that points to a private container registry. This failure occurred even though the user had added the registry in the *Add Container Registry* dialog in the dashboard's *User Preferences*. With this update, you can start workspaces from a devfile that points to a container image in a private container registry. Before starting a workspace with such a devfile, you must add the registry in the *Add Container Registry* dialog in the dashboard's *User Preferences*.
    • Bug Fix
    • Done


      Synced from Eclipse Che issue


      Describe the bug

      In Dashboard user preference it's possible to add a container registry:

      <img width="1105" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/606959/181199230-44973cc9-4839-4ebe-b429-a5577bcaf014.png">
      But then:

      Starting a workspace that use a private image fails:
      <img width="869" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/606959/181200928-07461d0c-6c3c-4126-9916-cfb1fa8bcc3c.png">

      The message on the dashboard doesn't provide the right information:
      <img width="952" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/606959/181201549-5f0cba77-4eb0-41cc-802c-634e0ab645fd.png">

      Running podman pull of private image fails:
      <img width="1070" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/606959/181201845-f05dc9b6-9eb5-4265-891e-e51b1e145fba.png">

      Che version

      next (development version)

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Add your container registry credentials from the dashboard
      2. Try to start a workspace using a devfile that points to a private image
      3. Start a workspace where podman works in rootless mode and try to run podman pull on private registry

      Expected behavior

      If the user has provided added the container registry credentials in his profile:

      • [ ] starting a workspace that uses a private container from that registry should work
      • [ ] running podman pull <private image> from within a workspace should work

      If the user has NOT added the container registryin his profile:

      • [ ] When the workspace start and fails with authorization failure we should report it in the error message and suggest the user to add the container registry credentials in his user profile



      Installation method



      Dogfooding instance

      Release Notes Text

      If a user added a container registry credential in Eclipse Che User Dashboard, that credential was not used to pull images from the registry resulting in workspaces failing to start.




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            jiralint.codeready Bot Codeready
            Jana Vrbkova Jana Vrbkova
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