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      on OCP 4.1.2
      go to Catalog -> operatorHub > select into Developer Tools -> red Hat CodeReady Workspaces -> Install
      Once Installed, refresh the page and you will be able to : Create a New .
      use this content :
      apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v1
      kind: CheCluster
      name: codeready
      namespace: infra
      cheFlavor: codeready
      tlsSupport: false
      selfSignedCert: false
      externalDb: false
      chePostgresHostName: ''
      chePostgresPort: ''
      chePostgresUser: ''
      chePostgresPassword: ''
      chePostgresDb: ''
      openShiftoAuth: false
      externalKeycloak: false
      keycloakURL: ''
      keycloakRealm: ''
      keycloakClientId: ''
      pvcStrategy: per-workspace
      pvcClaimSize: 1Gi
      preCreateSubPaths: true

      Don't forget before installing to execute the pre-reqs steps mentionned in the operators :
      ```oc create clusterrole codeready-operator --resource=oauthclients --verb=get,create,delete,update,list,watch
      oc create clusterrolebinding codeready-operator --clusterrole=codeready-operator --serviceaccount=${NAMESPACE}:codeready-operator
      oc create role secret-reader --resource=secrets --verb=get -n=openshift-ingress
      oc create rolebinding codeready-operator --role=secret-reader --serviceaccount=${NAMESPACE}:codeready-operator -n=openshift-ingress

      After creation of a user into keycloak I'm able to access Codeready-workspace, I create a workspace using the java-default task. After serveral refresh (maybe 10) I succeeded to have the IDE but the WARNING still exist in the main codeready pod.

      on OCP 4.1.2 go to Catalog -> operatorHub > select into Developer Tools -> red Hat CodeReady Workspaces -> Install Once Installed, refresh the page and you will be able to : Create a New . use this content : apiVersion: org.eclipse.che/v1 kind: CheCluster metadata: name: codeready namespace: infra spec: server: cheFlavor: codeready tlsSupport: false selfSignedCert: false database: externalDb: false chePostgresHostName: '' chePostgresPort: '' chePostgresUser: '' chePostgresPassword: '' chePostgresDb: '' auth: openShiftoAuth: false externalKeycloak: false keycloakURL: '' keycloakRealm: '' keycloakClientId: '' storage: pvcStrategy: per-workspace pvcClaimSize: 1Gi preCreateSubPaths: true Don't forget before installing to execute the pre-reqs steps mentionned in the operators : ```oc create clusterrole codeready-operator --resource=oauthclients --verb=get,create,delete,update,list,watch oc create clusterrolebinding codeready-operator --clusterrole=codeready-operator --serviceaccount=${NAMESPACE}:codeready-operator ``` and ``` oc create role secret-reader --resource=secrets --verb=get -n=openshift-ingress oc create rolebinding codeready-operator --role=secret-reader --serviceaccount=${NAMESPACE}:codeready-operator -n=openshift-ingress ``` After creation of a user into keycloak I'm able to access Codeready-workspace, I create a workspace using the java-default task. After serveral refresh (maybe 10) I succeeded to have the IDE but the WARNING still exist in the main codeready pod.

      using Codereadyworkspaces operator on top of OCP 4.1.2.(Kubernetes Master Version
      version of codeready : 1.2.0.GA :: crw_stable-branch/270 :: che-dev @ ea65 (20)

      warning inside the codeready pod:
      2019-06-21 07:07:18,792[8c7-f2qbm-41018] [WARN ] [unknown.jul.logger 49] - Problem getting Pod json from Kubernetes Client[masterUrl=, headers={}, connectTimeout=5000, readTimeout=30000, operationAttempts=3, operationSleep=1000, streamProvider=org.openshift.ping.common.stream.TokenStreamProvider@59ab676a] for cluster [EclipseLinkCommandChannel], namespace [infra], labels [app=che]; encountered [java.lang.Exception: 3 attempt(s) with a 1000ms sleep to execute [OpenStream] failed. Last failure was [javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target]]

            rhopp@redhat.com Radim Hopp
            dwojciec@redhat.com Didier Wojciechowski
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
