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  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-3178

prevent inclusion of quay.io/devspaces images in stable branch builds of registries and operator-bundle


    • False
    • None
    • False

      As seen in CRW-3177, it's possible to:

      • accidentally include quay.io/devspaces/ images in the registries, and therefore in the CSV's relatedImages list (eg., quay.io/devspaces/udi-rhel8:3.1 instead of registry.redhat.io)
      • accidentally include the wrong version of images in the registries, and therefore in the CSV's relatedImages list (eg., quay.io/devspaces/code-rhel8:3.2 in the 3.1 registry)

      We should add some sort of gate/check that says:

      • if we have any refs to quay.io/devspaces/ images, in the list of related_images.txt or CSV for a stable-branch build (3.1, not 3.x), or
      • if we have any refs to devspaces images for a future/mismatched version, in the list of related_images.txt or CSV for a stable-branch build (eg., :3.2 in the 3.1 branch),
        ... then BREAK the all three of the registry (plugin, devvile) and bundle image builds

      That way forgotten changes or accidental cherrypicks-gone-wrong won't cause problems like we've seen in CRW-3177.

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
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