VSCode editor (for use in Che/Dev Spaces) repo: https://github.com/che-incubator/che-code
Plugins repo: https://open-vsx.org/
Hope to be able to enable the VSCode editor as teh default one in Eclipse Che 7.51, which may also result it in being the default in DS 3.2 (if it's ready [MVP features, UX]).
There are 5 supported devfiles needed to be tested using UI (as they feature RH products):
- Java Quarkus devfile E2E test
- Java with JBoss EAP XP 3.0 Microprofile defile E2E test
- Java with JBoss EAP XP 3.0 Bootable Jar devfile E2E test
- Java with JBoss EAP 7.4 devfile E2E test
- Red Hat Fuse devfile E2E test
These are also supported (as they use java, node, or python, which are top-level supported languages):
- Tooling for Apache Camel K devfile E2E test
- Java Lombok devfile E2E test
- Java Vert.x devfile E2E test
- Java Maven devfile E2E test
- Java Spring Boot devfile E2E test
- Java Gradle devfile E2E test
- NodeJS Express devfile E2E test
- Python devfile E2E test
- NodeJS ConfigMap Express devfile E2E test
- NodeJS MongoDB devfile E2E test
There are Tech Preview devfiles which could be tested using API:
- C/C++ devfile E2E test
- .NET devfile E2E test
- Go devfile E2E test
- PHP CakePHP devfile E2E test
- PHP-DI devfile E2E test
Known Che VS code limitation:
- doesn’t work in airgap environment
- doesn’t support idle timeout
- terminal is using canvas, which makes it’s harder to read the output from there
Blog post about using Che VS Code editor in DS 3.0: https://che.eclipseprojects.io/2021/12/20/@florent.benoit-authoring-a-url-to-start-a-workspace.html
DS 3.1 is planned for August 3th - in 1.5 months
DS 3.2 release with Che Code editor by default is planned for mid of September
- How to run VS Code with OpenShift Dev Spaces: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pbtok7ajh7tsFOaX0kr2eZwLf3G3jYRkkn95-aZKEaQ/edit?usp=sharing
- How to open devfile in Che Code editor in DS 3.0: use appropriate crw-sample repo factory with parameter:
e.g., to open Java with JBoss EAP XP 3.0 Microprofile defile use next factory URL linked to devfile sample repo https://github.com/devspaces-samples/microprofile-quickstart/tree/devspaces-3.0-rhel-8:
- How to open devfile in Che Code editor in Che in dogfooding instance: use appropriate crw-sample repo factory with parameter:
e.g., to open Java with JBoss EAP XP 3.0 Microprofile defile use next factory URL linked to devfile sample repo https://github.com/devspaces-samples/microprofile-quickstart/tree/devspaces-3.0-rhel-8:
Che Code Editor automated acceptance test strategy: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CmY31xX48wuVWmTOYhpBv6cYckpG5FgNFlUmNshMY8g/edit?usp=sharing