Resolution: Won't Do
Release Notes
Known Issue
- 'NodeJS' workspaces are converted failed after migrate to DS 3.0.0 RC-06-03:
Failed to create a new workspace from the devfile, reason: Unable to resolve theia plugins: ms-vscode/node-debug2/latest is a mandatory plug-in but definition is not found on the plug-in registry. Aborting !
'devfile.yaml' after migrate, before convert
- nodejs-conf:
apiVersion: 1.0.0 metadata: name: nodejs-dpmd projects: - name: nodejs-web-app source: location: 'https://devfile-registry-openshift-workspaces.apps.ocp410-oshmara.crw-qe.com/resources/nodejs-nodejs-web-app-master.zip' type: zip components: - id: vscode/typescript-language-features/latest type: chePlugin - id: ms-vscode/node-debug2/latest type: chePlugin - mountSources: true endpoints: - name: nodejs port: 3000 memoryLimit: 512Mi type: dockerimage alias: nodejs image: 'registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/plugin-java8-rhel8@sha256:2a62b1a38012287fab26dd625b846420e8ae1604ec6f64d3518e9783ced72e85' commands: - name: 1. Run the web app (and download dependencies) actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: npm install; nodemon app.js component: nodejs - name: 2. Download dependencies actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: npm install component: nodejs - name: 3. Run the web app actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: nodemon app.js component: nodejs - name: 4. Run the web app (debugging enabled) actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: nodemon --inspect app.js component: nodejs - name: 5. Stop the web app actions: - type: exec command: 'node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx ''.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js'' | tr "\\n" " ") && echo "Stopping node server with PIDs: ${node_server_pids}" && kill -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null && echo ''Done.''' component: nodejs - name: Attach remote debugger actions: - referenceContent: | { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach to Remote", "address": "localhost", "port": 9229, "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}", "remoteRoot": "${workspaceFolder}" } ] } type: vscode-launch
- nodejs:
apiVersion: 1.0.0 metadata: name: nodejs-dpmd projects: - name: nodejs-web-app source: location: 'https://devfile-registry-openshift-workspaces.apps.ocp410-oshmara.crw-qe.com/resources/nodejs-nodejs-web-app-master.zip' type: zip components: - id: vscode/typescript-language-features/latest type: chePlugin - id: ms-vscode/node-debug2/latest type: chePlugin - mountSources: true endpoints: - name: nodejs port: 3000 memoryLimit: 512Mi type: dockerimage alias: nodejs image: 'registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/plugin-java8-rhel8@sha256:2a62b1a38012287fab26dd625b846420e8ae1604ec6f64d3518e9783ced72e85' commands: - name: 1. Run the web app (and download dependencies) actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: npm install; nodemon app.js component: nodejs - name: 2. Download dependencies actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: npm install component: nodejs - name: 3. Run the web app actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: nodemon app.js component: nodejs - name: 4. Run the web app (debugging enabled) actions: - workdir: '${CHE_PROJECTS_ROOT}/nodejs-web-app/app' type: exec command: nodemon --inspect app.js component: nodejs - name: 5. Stop the web app actions: - type: exec command: 'node_server_pids=$(pgrep -fx ''.*nodemon (--inspect )?app.js'' | tr "\\n" " ") && echo "Stopping node server with PIDs: ${node_server_pids}" && kill -15 ${node_server_pids} &>/dev/null && echo ''Done.''' component: nodejs - name: Attach remote debugger actions: - referenceContent: | { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { "type": "node", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach to Remote", "address": "localhost", "port": 9229, "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}", "remoteRoot": "${workspaceFolder}" } ] } type: vscode-launch
- is related to
CRW-3045 "Java-fuse" workspace migrated from CRW 2.15 to DS 3.0 failed to start due 'is invalid: spec.template.spec.containers[2].ports[0].name: Invalid value: "8080"'
- Closed