Resolution: Not a Bug
dsc/3.0.0-CI-redhat.1ea7dcc failed to deploy DS 3.0.0.RC-05-27 based on "registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/devspaces-operator-bundle:3.0-83 registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:240724" to OCP 4.11.0-0.nightly-2022-05-25-193227 on AWS https://console-openshift-console.apps.ocp411-aws.crw-qe.com :
bin/dsc server:deploy --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=custom-resource-patch.yaml --package-manifest-name=devspaces --catalog-source-name=ds-3-0-osbs-stable --olm-channel=stable --catalog-source-namespace=openshift-marketplace --listr-renderer=verbose › Installer type is set to: 'olm' [16:59:54] Verify Kubernetes API [started] › Current Kubernetes context: 'default/api-ocp411-aws-crw-qe-com:6443/admin' [16:59:54] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:54] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [OpenShift] [title changed] [16:59:54] Verify Kubernetes API...[OK] [OpenShift] [completed] [16:59:54] Looking for an already existing Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance [started] [16:59:54] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces" [started] [16:59:55] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces"...[Not Found] [title changed] [16:59:55] Verify if Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces is deployed into namespace "openshift-devspaces"...[Not Found] [completed] [16:59:55] Looking for an already existing Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces instance [completed] [16:59:55] Openshift preflight checklist [started] [16:59:55] Verify if oc is installed [started] [16:59:55] Verify if oc is installed...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:55] Verify if oc is installed...[OK] [completed] [16:59:55] Verify if openshift is running [started] [16:59:56] Verify if openshift is running...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:56] Verify if openshift is running...[OK] [completed] [16:59:56] Check OpenShift version [started] [16:59:56] Check OpenShift version: [4.x] [title changed] [16:59:56] Check OpenShift version: [4.x] [completed] [16:59:56] Check Kubernetes version [started] [16:59:57] Check Kubernetes version: [Unknown] [title changed] [16:59:57] Check Kubernetes version: [Unknown] [completed] [16:59:57] Openshift preflight checklist [completed] [16:59:57] Following Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs [started] [16:59:57] Start following logs [started] [16:59:57] Start following logs...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:57] Start following logs...[OK] [completed] [16:59:57] Following Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces logs [completed] [16:59:57] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces [started] [16:59:58] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:58] Create Namespace openshift-devspaces...[OK] [completed] [16:59:58] Running Olm installation Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces [started] [16:59:58] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform [started] [16:59:58] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:58] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform...[OK] [completed] [16:59:58] Configure context information [started] [16:59:58] Configure context information...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:58] Configure context information...[OK] [completed] [16:59:58] Create operator subscription [started] [16:59:59] Create operator subscription...[OK] [title changed] [16:59:59] Create operator subscription...[OK] [completed] [16:59:59] Wait while subscription is ready [started] [17:00:03] Wait while subscription is ready...[OK] [title changed] [17:00:03] Wait while subscription is ready...[OK] [completed] [17:00:03] Wait operator install plan [started] [17:04:03] Wait operator install plan [failed] [17:04:03] undefined [17:04:03] Running Olm installation Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces [failed] [17:04:03] Cannot create property 'context' on string 'Timeout reached while waiting for "install-s2dsc" has go status 'Installed'.' Error: Command server:deploy failed. Error log: /home/hudson/.cache/dsc/error.log.
where custom-resource-patch.yaml content:
runningLimit: '10000'
Root cause: install plan failed
Failed bundle unpacking failed. Reason: DeadlineExceeded, and Message: Job was active longer than specified deadline