Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2820

[proxy] Dev workspace V2 devfiles have empty workspace panel


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      = *Workspace* panel in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank

      In workspaces that use the default Che-Theia IDE in a proxied environment, the *Workspace* panel might appear blank rather than showing available commands, terminals, and applications.


      . Run `$ oc edit proxy cluster`.
      . Add `` to the `spec.noProxy` property.
      . Run the `oc` command in the project where *devworkspace-controller-manager* is deployed, `openshift-operators` or `openshift-devspaces`:
      `$ oc rollout restart -n __<project>__ deploy/devworkspace-controller-manager`
      = *Workspace* panel in Che-Theia workspaces might appear blank In workspaces that use the default Che-Theia IDE in a proxied environment, the *Workspace* panel might appear blank rather than showing available commands, terminals, and applications. .Workaround . Run `$ oc edit proxy cluster`. . Add `` to the `spec.noProxy` property. . Run the `oc` command in the project where *devworkspace-controller-manager* is deployed, `openshift-operators` or `openshift-devspaces`: + [source,terminal] ---- `$ oc rollout restart -n __<project>__ deploy/devworkspace-controller-manager` ----
    • Documented as Known Issue
    • Workaround Exists
    • Hide

      1. Run `$ oc edit proxy cluster`.
      2. Add `` to the `spec.noProxy` property.
      3. Run `$ oc rollout restart -n openshift-operators deploy/devworkspace-controller-manager`

      1. Run `$ oc edit proxy cluster`. 2. Add `` to the `spec.noProxy` property. 3. Run `$ oc rollout restart -n openshift-operators deploy/devworkspace-controller-manager`
    • Hide
      1. Set up proxied cluster.
      2. Install Dev Spaces 3.0 (or CRW 2.15.10z with DWO = enabled)
      3. Create che cluster
      4. Open dashboard
      5. Create new workspace 

      In the workspace UI,  right side panel workspaces with box icon is empty

      Set up proxied cluster. Install Dev Spaces 3.0 (or CRW 2.15.10z with DWO = enabled) Create che cluster Open dashboard Create new workspace  In the workspace UI,  right side panel workspaces with box icon is empty

      When workspace is started from a DevWorkspace V2 devfile, UI does not show options like build, run in right side panel workspaces

        1. browserlogs.io-16
          53 kB
        2. CRW_2_15_102_ouput_log.txt
          23 kB
        3. ds-3-1-0_dwo-0-15-2.png
          395 kB
        4. eclipse-che-7.45.png
          269 kB
        5. empty_workspaces.png
          241 kB
        6. empty-workspace-view-in-airgap-x86-2022-05-13 15-47-03.png
          empty-workspace-view-in-airgap-x86-2022-05-13 15-47-03.png
          155 kB
        7. go_theia_container_log.log
          136 kB
        8. golang_build.PNG
          60 kB
        9. image-2022-05-10-14-21-20-369.png
          220 kB
        10. image-2022-05-13-17-28-45-348.png
          297 kB
        11. image-2022-05-31-10-01-37-718.png
          289 kB
        12. theia-ide-logs.log
          122 kB

              ibuziuk@redhat.com Ilya Buziuk
              yogitakulkarni Yogita Kulkarni (Inactive)
              Max Leonov Max Leonov
              0 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue
