Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2733

Two identical workspaces are not actually identical


    • False
    • False
    • Hide
      1. Login with user 1 and open CRW
      2. Create a workspace using the devfile 
      3. Login with user 2 and open CRW
      4. Create a workspace using the devfile 
      5. Now in both the user workspaces, on the left-hand side, select the container under `Workspace>Ansible>Ansible Terminal(virtual Env) and notice the discrepancies
        1. In the terminal window Run commands 'pip freeze' 'pip list'
        2. And also check the content and disk usage using 
          1. du -sh /home/user/.venv/lib/*
          2. ls -lh /home/user/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ | wc -l


      Let us know if any further information or a ready environment is needed to witness the issue.



      Base image url:

      Sidecar url:

      Login with user 1 and open CRW Create a workspace using the devfile   Login with user 2 and open CRW Create a workspace using the devfile   Now in both the user workspaces, on the left-hand side, select the container under `Workspace>Ansible>Ansible Terminal(virtual Env) and notice the discrepancies In the terminal window Run commands 'pip freeze' 'pip list' And also check the content and disk usage using  du -sh /home/user/.venv/lib/* ls -lh /home/user/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ | wc -l   Let us know if any further information or a ready environment is needed to witness the issue.   Devfile: https://github.com/pgustafs/codeready-workspaces/tree/main/ansible-workspace Base image url: https://github.com/pgustafs/codeready-workspaces/tree/main/dockerfiles/python-3.8-ansible-rhel8 Sidecar url: https://github.com/pgustafs/codeready-workspaces/tree/main/sidecars/python38-ansible-rhel8
    • Prod #215 2022-02-23


      We have created a custom image for ansible development that contains python with additional packages installed as a virtual env. The image mounts a virtual env catalog as persistent storage and copies the data from a temporary catalog in the image to the persistent volume.

      This process works as expected for the first user who attempts to run the workspace with the respective devfille and fails to create a workspace with the expected data in it for the rest of the users even though the devfile and everything related to it is the same as the first ones.


      Both the workspace are being run in different namespaces using different PV/PVC's


      1st workspace:


      (.venv) bash-4.4$ cat /etc/hostname
      (.venv) bash-4.4$ du -sh /home/user/.venv/lib/*
      587M lib/python3.8



      2nd workspace:


      (.venv) bash-4.4$ cat /etc/hostname
      (.venv) bash-4.4$ du -sh /home/user/.venv/lib/*
      234M lib/python3.8


        1. screenshot-1.png
          109 kB
        2. identical .png
          identical .png
          473 kB
        3. devfile.yaml
          2 kB
        4. CheCluster.yaml
          3 kB

            vsvydenk Valerii Svydenko
            rhn-support-agudi Anirudh Gudi (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
