Resolution: Done
CRW 2.15.0 metadata:
- registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/codeready-workspaces-operator-bundle:2.15-56
- registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:152856
crwctl version: crwctl/2.15.0-CI-redhat.3afc956 linux-x64 node-v12.22.3
OCP version: 4.9.12
CRW deploy command
crwctl server:deploy --che-operator-cr-patch-yaml=custom-resource-patch.yaml --no-olm-suggested-namespace --catalog-source-name=crw-2-15-osbs-tech-preview-latest-all-namespaces --catalog-source-namespace=openshift-marketplace --package-manifest-name=codeready-workspaces2 --olm-channel=tech-preview-latest-all-namespaces --listr-renderer=verbose -n next-crw
spec: server: customCheProperties: CHE_LIMITS_USER_WORKSPACES_RUN_COUNT: '-1' CHE_LIMITS_WORKSPACE_IDLE_TIMEOUT: '900000' CHE_INFRA_KUBERNETES_WORKSPACE__UNRECOVERABLE__EVENTS: 'Failed Scheduling,Failed to pull image' CHE_INFRA_KUBERNETES_WORKSPACE_START_TIMEOUT_MIN: '10' devWorkspace: enable: true auth: updateAdminPassword: false storage: pvcClaimSize: 2Gi pvcStrategy: per-workspace
crwclt install log
› Installer type is set to: 'olm' [13:42:24] Verify Kubernetes API [started] › Current Kubernetes context: 'default/api-ocp49-dnochevn-crw-qe-com:6443/admin' [13:42:24] Verify Kubernetes API...OK [title changed] [13:42:24] Verify Kubernetes API...OK (it's OpenShift) [title changed] [13:42:24] Verify Kubernetes API...OK (it's OpenShift) [completed] [13:42:24] Looking for an already existing CodeReady Workspaces instance [started] [13:42:24] Verify if CodeReady Workspaces is deployed into namespace "next-crw" [started] [13:42:24] Verify if CodeReady Workspaces is deployed into namespace "next-crw"...it is not [title changed] [13:42:24] Verify if CodeReady Workspaces is deployed into namespace "next-crw"...it is not [completed] [13:42:24] Looking for an already existing CodeReady Workspaces instance [completed] [13:42:24] Openshift preflight checklist [started] [13:42:24] Verify if oc is installed [started] [13:42:24] Verify if oc is installed...done. [title changed] [13:42:24] Verify if oc is installed...done. [completed] [13:42:24] Verify if openshift is running [started] [13:42:24] Verify if openshift is running...done. [title changed] [13:42:24] Verify if openshift is running...done. [completed] [13:42:24] Check OpenShift version [started] [13:42:24] Check OpenShift version: 4.x [title changed] [13:42:24] Check OpenShift version: 4.x [completed] [13:42:24] Check Kubernetes version [started] [13:42:24] Check Kubernetes version: Unknown. [title changed] [13:42:24] Check Kubernetes version: Unknown. [completed] [13:42:24] Openshift preflight checklist [completed] [13:42:24] Following CodeReady Workspaces logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following Operator logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following Operator logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following Operator logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Server logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Server logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Server logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following PostgreSQL logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following PostgreSQL logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following PostgreSQL logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following Keycloak logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following Keycloak logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following Keycloak logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following Plug-in Registry logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following Plug-in Registry logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following Plug-in Registry logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following Devfile Registry logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following Devfile Registry logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following Devfile Registry logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard logs [started] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard logs...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following CodeReady Workspaces Dashboard logs...done [completed] [13:42:24] Start following namespace events [started] [13:42:24] Start following namespace events...done [title changed] [13:42:24] Start following namespace events...done [completed] [13:42:24] Following CodeReady Workspaces logs [completed] [13:42:24] Create Namespace next-crw [started] [13:42:24] Create Namespace next-crw...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:24] Create Namespace next-crw...[OK] [completed] [13:42:24] Running Olm installation CodeReady Workspaces [started] [13:42:24] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform [started] [13:42:24] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:24] Check if OLM is pre-installed on the platform...[OK] [completed] [13:42:24] Configure context information [started] [13:42:24] Configure context information...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:24] Configure context information...[OK] [completed] [13:42:24] Create operator subscription [started] [13:42:24] Create operator subscription...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:24] Create operator subscription...[OK] [completed] [13:42:24] Wait while subscription is ready [started] [13:42:26] Wait while subscription is ready...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:26] Wait while subscription is ready...[OK] [completed] [13:42:26] Wait while operator installed [started] [13:42:49] Wait while operator installed...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:49] Wait while operator installed...[OK] [completed] [13:42:49] Prepare CodeReady Workspaces cluster CR [started] [13:42:49] Prepare CodeReady Workspaces cluster CR...[OK] [title changed] [13:42:49] Prepare CodeReady Workspaces cluster CR...[OK] [completed] [13:42:49] Create the Custom Resource of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che [started] [13:42:49] Create the Custom Resource of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che in the namespace next-crw [title changed] [13:42:49] Create the Custom Resource of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che in the namespace next-crw...done. [title changed] [13:42:49] Create the Custom Resource of type checlusters.org.eclipse.che in the namespace next-crw...done. [completed] [13:42:49] Running Olm installation CodeReady Workspaces [completed] [13:42:49] Post installation checklist [started] [13:42:49] PostgreSQL pod bootstrap [started] [13:42:49] Scheduling [started] [13:43:36] Scheduling...done [title changed] [13:43:36] Scheduling...done [completed] [13:43:36] Downloading images [started] [13:44:58] Downloading images...done [title changed] [13:44:58] Downloading images...done [completed] [13:44:58] Starting [started] [13:45:16] Starting...done [title changed] [13:45:16] Starting...done [completed] [13:45:16] PostgreSQL pod bootstrap [completed] [13:45:16] Keycloak pod bootstrap [started] [13:45:16] Keycloak pod bootstrap...skipped [title changed] [13:45:16] Keycloak pod bootstrap...skipped [completed] [13:45:16] Devfile Registry pod bootstrap [started] [13:45:16] Scheduling [started] [13:45:24] Scheduling...done [title changed] [13:45:24] Scheduling...done [completed] [13:45:24] Downloading images [started] [13:45:37] Downloading images...done [title changed] [13:45:37] Downloading images...done [completed] [13:45:37] Starting [started] [13:46:38] Starting...failed [title changed] [13:46:38] Starting...failed [failed] [13:46:38] CodeReady Workspaces operator failed, reason: InstallOrUpdateFailed, message: PostgreSQL image for '13.5' version not found. Consider increasing error recheck timeout with --k8spoderrorrechecktimeout flag. [13:46:38] Devfile Registry pod bootstrap [failed] [13:46:38] CodeReady Workspaces operator failed, reason: InstallOrUpdateFailed, message: PostgreSQL image for '13.5' version not found. Consider increasing error recheck timeout with --k8spoderrorrechecktimeout flag. [13:46:38] Post installation checklist [failed] [13:46:38] CodeReady Workspaces operator failed, reason: InstallOrUpdateFailed, message: PostgreSQL image for '13.5' version not found. Consider increasing error recheck timeout with --k8spoderrorrechecktimeout flag. Error: Command server:deploy failed. Error log: /home/hudson/.cache/crwctl/error.log.
crwctl error.log
2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z Error: Command server:deploy failed. Error log: /home/hudson/.cache/crwctl/error.log. 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at newError (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/lib/util.js:199:19) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at Object.wrapCommandError (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/lib/util.js:195:12) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at Deploy.<anonymous> (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/lib/commands/server/deploy.js:228:35) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at Generator.throw (<anonymous>) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at rejected (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:115:69) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z Cause: Error: CodeReady Workspaces operator failed, reason: InstallOrUpdateFailed, message: PostgreSQL image for '13.5' version not found. Consider increasing error recheck timeout with --k8spoderrorrechecktimeout flag. 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at KubeTasks.<anonymous> (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/lib/tasks/kube.js:120:39) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at Generator.next (<anonymous>) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at fulfilled (/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/CodereadyWorkspaces/e2e/basic/install-crw-using-crwctl/crwctl/node_modules/tslib/tslib.js:114:62) 2021-12-29T18:46:38.693Z at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
CRW instance: