Resolution: Duplicate
Add eth0 [] from openshift-sdn Pulling image "registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/pluginbroker-metadata-rhel8@sha256:48dc46d961b99c17a831d3de5cae542a97ebb7e1637282286df44d3318e376e3" Successfully pulled image "registry.redhat.io/codeready-workspaces/pluginbroker-metadata-rhel8@sha256:48dc46d961b99c17a831d3de5cae542a97ebb7e1637282286df44d3318e376e3" in 1.650744417s Created container pluginbroker-metadata-rhel8-48dc46d961 Started container pluginbroker-metadata-rhel8-48dc46d961 Starting plugin metadata broker List of plugins and editors to install - redhat/java11/latest - Java Linting, Intellisense, formatting, refactoring, Maven/Gradle support and more... - redhat/dependency-analytics/latest - Insights about your application dependencies: Security, License compatibility and AI based guidance to choose appropriate dependencies for your application. - eclipse/che-theia/latest - Eclipse Theia, get the latest release each day. All plugin metadata has been successfully processed Failed to run the workspace: "Pod creation timeout exceeded. -id: workspacech70vourjpprp7x4.maven -message: null"
Reproduced on OCP 4.9 deployed to RHPDS with DW disabled.
Workspace failed to start workspace in about 2 minutes while there was 10 minutes start timeout in CheCluster:
Some workspaces have started, e.g. Apache Camel K: https://codeready-crw-crwctl.apps.cluster-qlkcb.qlkcb.sandbox1490.opentlc.com/dashboard/#/ide/admin/apache-camel-k-hyem
Root cause: maven pod failed to create because of maximum cpu usage limits:
Error creating: pods "workspacech70vourjpprp7x4.maven-6458b9c6d9-mzdn8" is forbidden: maximum cpu usage per Pod is 4, but limit is 4300m
There was limit range added during installation of CRW 2.14.0: https://console-openshift-console.apps.cluster-qlkcb.qlkcb.sandbox1490.opentlc.com/k8s/ns/admin-codeready/limitranges/admin-codeready-core-resource-limits
kind: LimitRange apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: admin-codeready-core-resource-limits namespace: admin-codeready uid: 189001c7-6213-4d06-a9cd-1b09a81144a2 resourceVersion: '139728' creationTimestamp: '2021-12-13T23:27:55Z' managedFields: - manager: openshift-apiserver operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2021-12-13T23:27:55Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:spec': 'f:limits': {} spec: limits: - type: Container max: cpu: '4' memory: 6Gi default: cpu: 500m memory: 1536Mi defaultRequest: cpu: 50m memory: 256Mi - type: Pod max: cpu: '4' memory: 12Gi
Similar issue: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/CRW-2480
- duplicates
CRW-2480 CRW 2.12.1 workspace can't start after update to CRW 2.13.0 because pod creation timeout exceeded
- Closed