Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces) '
  1. Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly CodeReady Workspaces)
  2. CRW-2489

Sample factory url for checking dwo factory missed multi arch supported images


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      = Workspaces cannot be started using devfile v2 on IBM Z and IBM Power

      There is currently a known issue with {prod} with the DevWorkspace engine enabled on IBM Z and IBM Power. {prod} fails to start workspaces from Git source repositories that contain a devfile v2. This affects the samples provided in https://github.com/che-samples/. There is currently no workaround for this issue.
      = Workspaces cannot be started using devfile v2 on IBM Z and IBM Power There is currently a known issue with {prod} with the DevWorkspace engine enabled on IBM Z and IBM Power. {prod} fails to start workspaces from Git source repositories that contain a devfile v2. This affects the samples provided in https://github.com/che-samples/ . There is currently no workaround for this issue.
    • Documented as Known Issue

      Sample factory url for checking dwo factory is


      fails on IBM Power and Z. Admin-Coeadready pod shows error as

       standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

      Both the devworkspace-controller-manager and devworkspace-webhook-server pods are running.

      Multi arch supported images are missing from https://github.com/che-samples/java-spring-petclinic/tree/devfilev2.

      Details :
      1. https://github.com/che-samples/java-spring-petclinic/blob/devfilev2/devfile.yaml#L10 (quay.io/devfile/universal-developer-image:ubi8-d433ed6) isn't supported on P,Z.
      2. https://github.com/che-samples/java-spring-petclinic/blob/devfilev2/devfile.yaml#L31 (quay.io/eclipse/che-centos-mysql-57-centos7:latest-e08ee4d43b7356607685b69bde6335e27cf20c020f345b6c6c59400183882764) isn't supported on P,Z.

      a) Above image in 1) was created from this GH repo - https://github.com/devfile/developer-images.
      Firstly this dockerfile - https://github.com/devfile/developer-images/blob/main/base/ubi8/Dockerfile needs support for P,Z
        - "gh-cli" tarball doesn't exist on P,Z - https://github.com/cli/cli/releases.
        -  ripgrep - https://github.com/devfile/developer-images/blob/main/base/ubi8/Dockerfile#L54 could be changed with  https://github.com/microsoft/ripgrep-prebuilt/releases/tag/v13.0.0-4 for x,p,z.
        - "bat" tarball doesn't exist on P,Z - https://github.com/sharkdp/bat/releases
      b)  Once above are taken care of , we will need to add P,Z support for this dockerfile - https://github.com/devfile/developer-images/blob/main/universal/ubi8/Dockerfile .
      c)  We could also think on making this image - "quay.io/devfile/universal-developer-image:ubi8-d433ed6" multi-arch ( X,P,Z )
      via GH actions may be - https://github.com/devfile/developer-images/blob/main/.github/workflows/ubi8-build.yaml

        1. image (18).png
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          Yogita Kulkarni
        2. image-2022-03-11-10-19-14-207.png
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          Nick Boldt
        3. java_factory_crw_2_15_102.png
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          Yogita Kulkarni
        4. java_openj9_images_factory_2_15_!02.png
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          Yogita Kulkarni
        5. screenshot-1.png
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          Nick Boldt
        6. screenshot-2.png
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          Nick Boldt
        7. screenshot-3.png
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          Nick Boldt
        8. screenshot-4.png
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          Nick Boldt
        9. screenshot-5.png
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          Nick Boldt

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            yogitakulkarni Yogita Kulkarni (Inactive)
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
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