Resolution: Unresolved
Versions in Che/CRW for golang are inconsistent, and values in meta.yaml do not reflect the actual versions in sidecars. We should at minimum fix the meta.yamls and where possible, update the CRW sidecar to the latest go available from RHEC.
Che devfile: https://github.com/eclipse-che/che-devfile-registry/blob/main/devfiles/go/devfile.yaml#L13-L31
- project: https://github.com/che-samples/golang-echo-example
- sidecar: go 1.17: quay.io/eclipse/che-golang-1.17:7f2b60b
- description: "Go 1.14" https://github.com/eclipse-che/che-devfile-registry/blob/main/devfiles/go/meta.yaml#L3
- project: https://github.com/crw-samples/golang-health-check.git
- sidecar: go 1.15.14 quay.io/crw/stacks-golang-rhel8:2.14-1
- description "Go 12.12" https://github.com/redhat-developer/codeready-workspaces/blob/crw-2-rhel-8/dependencies/che-devfile-registry/devfiles/05_go/meta.yaml#L3
Latest golang in RHEC is 1.16.7 [1], so we can move to that in CRW 2.14. Che will continue to be bleeding edge and include 1.17 (until 1.18 is out).
[1] https://catalog.redhat.com/software/containers/rhel8/go-toolset/5b9c810add19c70b45cbd666
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CRW-2464 Merge tech preview sidecar containers into a single UDI sidecar
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