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      = {prod-short} {prod-ver} updates to RH-SSO 7.5.1

      {prod-short} {prod-ver} has been updated from including link:https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-single-sign-on[Red Hat Single Sign-On] 7.4 to link:https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.5[Red Hat Single Sign-On] {prod-ver} for two reasons:

      * The latest update includes all the most recent bug fixes and security updates.
      * The latest update replaces the deprecated link:https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/[OpenJ9] images with link:https://developers.redhat.com/products/openjdk/overview[Red Hat build of OpenJDK] based images for use with all three supported architectures: AMD64 and Intel 64, IBM Z, and IBM Power.
      = {prod-short} {prod-ver} updates to RH-SSO 7.5.1 {prod-short} {prod-ver} has been updated from including link: https://access.redhat.com/products/red-hat-single-sign-on [Red Hat Single Sign-On] 7.4 to link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.5 [Red Hat Single Sign-On] {prod-ver} for two reasons: * The latest update includes all the most recent bug fixes and security updates. * The latest update replaces the deprecated link: https://www.eclipse.org/openj9/ [OpenJ9] images with link: https://developers.redhat.com/products/openjdk/overview [Red Hat build of OpenJDK] based images for use with all three supported architectures: AMD64 and Intel 64, IBM Z, and IBM Power.

      Today, CRW uses SSO 7.4 (based on EAP 7.3, and Keycloak 9.0 [1]) in its CSV:


      [1] https://access.redhat.com/articles/2342881

      At some point, we should move to 7.5, when it's live later this month.

      However, as Che 7.37 is moving to Keycloak 15, it makes sense to hold off on updating to SSO 7.5 (based on Keycloak 15.0.2) until CRW 2.13.

      But since SSO 7.5.0 doesn't play nicely with proxy/offline, we're now waiting for 7.5.1.

            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            nickboldt Nick Boldt
            Max Leonov Max Leonov
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